Batman x Wonder Woman

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Dedicated to dwbugdyha

Up next: Bat-Family x Reader

Later: Bruce Wayne x Reader


  Bruce should've been here two hours ago, but he wasn't answering any of my phone calls or text messages. I called Alfred, but Alfred wouldn't tell me anything. I tried stopping by Wayne Manor, but Robin told me not to. I didn't know what was going on right now, which only caused me to become more worried about Bruce.

  After pacing back and forth inside of my bedroom for about twenty minutes, Clark called me.

  Immediately, I answered the phone,"Clark, are you calling about Bruce?"

  Clark said,"I am calling about Bruce. Diana, Dick is going to bring you to Wayne Manor. He'll be there in less than five minutes."

  I said,"All right, but Clark-"

  Clark hung up on me. I put on the only coat that I owned, then I waited outside for Dick to come pick me up and take me to Wayne Manor. Once Dick arrived, I stepped into the car and Dick drove off.

  I asked Dick,"What happened, Dick?"

  Dick said,"Bruce was in a really bad car accident, but he refuses to go to the hospital. He's afraid that someone's going to figure out who he is and then everyone will somehow be put in danger because of it. He doesn't have many friends right now. Well, people that he can really trust."

  I leaned forward and squeezed Dick's shoulder saying,"I'll see what I can do. Has Alfred already talked to him?"

  Dick shook his head saying,"No. Alfred's working on something else with Leslie."

  I kept my hand on Dick's shoulder the entire car ride. I moved my hand when we made it to Wayne Manor. Dick led me into Wayne Manor and down to the Batcave.
  When I saw what was left of the Batmobile, I rushed down the stairs and over to Bruce. Bruce hugged me back, but I couldn't miss how much damage had been done to Bruce's body.

  Bruce softly said,"Diana..."

  I shook my head and ended the hug saying,"You must go to the hospital. Someone has to look at you."

  Bruce moved my hair back and said,"I've experienced much worse, Diana. I'll be all right. I just need to get back out there."

  I put my hands on Bruce's chest and gently shoved him back saying,"No. You need to stay put. I will bring you to the hospital, Bruce."

  Bruce shook his head and looked over at the Batmobile saying,"Someone was tracking me. I need to find out why and what else they have planned for me."

  I motioned over to Clark and Dick saying,"Clark, Dick, and I will figure all of that out after I take you to the hospital. Bruce, I know that you are used to doing things your own way, but you need to be looked at by a professional. We can't afford to lose you."

  Bruce said to me,"I don't want to put any more people in danger, Diana."

  Clark said to Bruce,"You won't, Bruce. If we need to bring in the entire Justice League, then we will. We have to make sure that you're all right, though. There are people in Gotham that still need you."

  Bruce nodded.

  Dick said to Bruce,"We'll make sure that you're put with people that you can trust. I promise."

  Bruce smiled at Dick. Dick smiled at Bruce and hugged Bruce. A few minutes later, Dick and Clark went to the hospital to see if any arrangements could be made about those that would be taking care of Bruce.

  I sat down beside Bruce.

  Bruce kissed my cheek and said,"Thank you, Diana."

  I said,"You're welcome. I know that you may feel as if there are only so many people that you can trust, but never forget that I am one of those people that you can trust, Bruce."

  Bruce kissed my cheek a second time. It wasn't long before Clark and Dick returned to tell us that they had managed to make sure that Bruce would be taken care of by the very best and most reliable people at that hospital.

  Bruce asked me,"Are you coming, Diana?"

  I said,"I'm taking you, Bruce. Dick and Clark will be right behind us."

  Bruce asked Clark,"What about the League?"

  Clark said,"Don't worry, Bruce. They're already there. You'll be fine."

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