The Joker x Reader

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Dedicated to Valexis08

Up next: Damian Wayne x Reader

Later: Theo Galavan x Reader

Inside Info: This Joker x Reader is based off Joaquin Phoenix's live-action adaptation of The Joker.

What did everyone think of Joker, by the way? I don't believe that I ever asked about it before today.
   Y/N'S POV

  I sat down with three of my closest friends since middle school. We agreed to have lunch together at the very last minute, but it felt good being able to catch up with the three of them. Their names were Quinn, Aaliyah, and Delilah, by the way.
  I looked over at Quinn and asked her,"What's wrong? Is your food cold?"

  Quinn shook her head and swallowed saying,"I can't find my card. It was just here. It was in my wallet before, but it's not here anymore."

  I nodded saying,"Oh, well I can ask one of the workers here if anyone's turned in your card."

  Quinn smiled saying,"Thank you, Y/N."

  I stood to my feet and walked up to the very front of the restaurant. After talking with a few of the workers for a few minutes, they told me that they hadn't received any lost cards yet but they would let us know if one turned up.
  Honestly, I didn't believe that anyone would return the card if they did find it. Many of Gotham's citizens were struggling, barely able to bring back food to their own families. If anyone found a lost debit or credit card with money on it, they'd take it.

  I walked back over to the table, and Quinn quickly put her hand under the table.
  I asked her,"What are you doing?"

  Aaliyah motioned to my seat saying,"Sit down, Y/N. Quinn's just ready to go. Right, Quinn?"

  Quinn nodded, before Delilah said to me,"Y/N, do you remember when you said that you'd do anything for us?"

  I said,"I remember that, but I don't understand what that has to do with our lunch right now."

  Delilah put her hand over my hand saying,"We were wondering if you would pay for our meals? Can you?"

  I immediately shook my head saying,"No, I can't. I can only afford to pay for myself. The rest is for..."

  Aaliyah said,"For?"

  I didn't believe that I had to share that private information with any of them, so I said,"For other things. I can't use that money. I shouldn't."

  Aaliyah looked over at Quinn and Delilah, yet Aaliyah rolled her eyes saying to me,"Y/N, we're your best friends. You can tell us. I'm only asking because we can't pay for our own meals, so we would like for you to pay for us. We have done many things for you, Y/N."

  I asked them,"If you knew that you couldn't pay for your own meals, why didn't the three of you say anything beforehand? Why order all of this? Why even show up?"

  Quinn laughed, but she smirked at me saying,"I knew you'd say that, but I do have something to say to you. You're going to pay for our meals, or I'm going to make sure that your mother doesn't get that one job that could change everything for her. Y/N, we're in Gotham, you know that I'm right. This job is the only way you'll have any family left."

  Aaliyah shrugged, Delilah smiled, and Quinn continued to smirk at me. This was what I got for trying to have friends.

  I swallowed before I sadly said,"I'll pay for your meals. It's the least I can do."

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