Clark Kent x Reader

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Dedicated to -HEIDIEMTOEWS

Up next: Conner Kent x Reader

Later: Bat-Family x Requested Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I was pregnant. I was happy, but I was also extremely nervous. What was Clark going to think about this? We had only been married for a little over a year now, but never once had we discussed having kids or a kid. I was definitely going to tell Clark, but when was the right moment to do just that?
  Clark was out being the amazing superhero that he was, but it could be hours before he returned. I couldn't just run out in the middle of a battle and tell him that I was pregnant, but maybe I could tell him in a couple of days. 


  As I basically tore Clark and I's bedroom apart trying to find the one pair of shoes I felt would go with my outfit, Clark said,"Sweetheart?"

  I said,"Just a second, Superman. I just need to find"

  I looked at Clark, but then I spotted what he was holding in his hand. Clark was holding my pregnancy test, which I forgot to hide last night before I went to bed. I thought I'd have more time to tell Clark, but there was no point in trying to convince him of anything else.

  Clark said,"Is...Is this true?"

  I walked up to him and said,"Yes, it is true. I'm sorry you just found that in the bathroom like you did. I wanted to tell you in a much better way, but I am pregnant. I know that we didn't discuss kids yet, but I do want a kid. Do you?"

  Clark wrapped his arms around me saying,"Sweetheart, I understand. I'm not angry. I have always wanted a child with you, but I didn't want to overwhelm you."

  I let out a sigh of relief, and then I said,"I'm so happy to hear that you're not angry. Hey, why did you think talking to me about children would overwhelm me?"

  I wrapped my arms around Clark's neck as he said to me,"Y/N, you seem tired most days when you come home from work, and I never want to put more stress on you. You go through enough being my wife, and I don't want to wake up one morning and you're gone."

  Tears formed in Clark's blue eyes, and I smiled at him saying,"Clark Kent, it is very stressful wondering whether or not you'll come home every day, but I have no intention to leave you on your own. You need all the help that you can get. You have a lot of stress that is put on you every day, and you need someone like me in your life. Clark, I'm only tired so much, because I spend the time that I should be sleeping watching tv and playing video games."

  Clark chuckled, before he rested his forehead against my own. I took his arms from around me and rested his hands on my stomach.

  I asked him,"Are you ready to handle a child, Superman?"

  Clark nodded and smiled real big saying,"I'm ready, Y/N. Do you need anything right now?"

  I said,"Yes, I can't find those red tennis shoes that I always wear. Do you know which ones I'm talking about?"

  Clark nodded and flew out of our bedroom, before he returned with my tennis shoes in his hands.

  He said,"Krypto kept hiding them, so I took them and put them where he couldn't get them. I know how important these shoes are to you, so I made sure that Krypto didn't mess them up."

  I attacked Clark in kisses. Then, I took my red tennis shoes from him and put them on.

  Clark quickly changed into his Superman suit, before he asked me,"Are you ready to join me for dinner?"

  I said,"Yes, Clark Kent, I've been ready. I'm ready to not have noodles again for the third time today. I think I'm going to throw up if I eat noodles anymore this week."

  Clark kissed my forehead, before he picked me up saying,"I'll make sure you get a proper meal then, Y/N."


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