Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Dedicated to hogwartsStraight

Up next: Conner Kent x Requested Reader

Later: Bat-Boys x Requested Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Y/N, you're stupid. Just stupid. You dated Bruce Thomas Wayne. Then, you ended up marrying him. Why would you do either of those things? Why? If he cheated on you twice while you were dating, what made you think marrying him was going to change anything? It didn't change anything. He still ended up sleeping with Selina while you were out of town.
  But I wasn't going to let Bruce destroy me. I didn't need him. He wasn't the first man to do this to me, so it was fine. I was fine. Actually, I was great. I wasn't gonna burn Wayne Manor down to the ground or anything. I wasn't that crazy. Plus, I cared about the other members of the Bat-Family. By "the other members of the Bat-Family," I meant everyone besides from Bruce.

  I drove to the nearest restaurant I could find and enjoyed a fairly decent meal. However, I knew the owner and he mentioned that he didn't mind if I sat around for a minute. That was good for me because I didn't want to go home.
  I wanted to be anywhere but my home. Not gonna lie, I wasn't fine. I wasn't great. Being at home, it would just remind me how small I really was. How alone I really was. I hated being alone. I hated not being in a place surrounded by amazing people.

  But I clearly wasn't enough for Bruce. He obviously was bored with me. He obviously had been bored with me for a very long time. I guess I couldn't blame him. Maybe I needed to change something about myself. No, I didn't need to change anything about myself.
  I promised myself I wouldn't think that way. I couldn't think that way. I could go home. I could continue to live by myself. I could do this. I let the owner know I was leaving, then I headed home. Once I made it home, I immediately read a book.

  Before I could really get into my book, I was rudely interrupted by the doorbell. I folded one corner of the page to save my spot. I stood to my feet and walked to the front door. I opened the door, only to slam it in Bruce's face. I don't know why, but it made me feel really good.
  However, I did open the door to see what he could possibly say to me right now. He had already interrupted my book. Even though I tried my hardest not to care about him being here, I cared. I would like to say that I stayed with Bruce through everything because I cared. The hardest part was trying not to care any longer.

  I held the door and said,"What, Bruce?"

  He said,"I'm sorry."

  I asked him,"What are you sorry about?"

  Bruce answered,"I'm sorry that I never told you the truth."

  I was still lost, yet Bruce asked me,"May I come inside, Y/N?"

  I should've said "no," but like an idiot, I said to Bruce,"Sure."

  Bruce walked inside and I closed the door behind him. He took a seat on my couch and I sat down on the opposite side of the couch. Bruce noticed the space I intentionally put between the two of us, but he didn't say a word about it.

  He only said to me,"I never cheated on you, Y/N."

  I only laughed. Was Bruce really saying this to me?

  Bruce looked down at his watch saying,"Y/N, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but all of those videos you were sent, they weren't of me. It looked like me, but they were edited to look like me and several different women. Unfortunately, I did sleep with all of those women at one point in my life, but I would never do that while with you. I know you and Selina aren't talking because of what looked like me and her in one of those videos, but you two were inseparable before. Nothing ever happened between me and Selina."

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