Leonard Snart x Reader

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Dedicated to batboys_fan

Up next: Cisco Ramon x Reader

Later: Damian Wayne x Reader


  I wanted to tell Y/N I was sorry, yet I didn't know how to do it. I had been gone longer than I had anticipated, but it was no excuse. Y/N was an amazing woman. She was kind, too kind, yet I wouldn't want her to be anything other than herself. I loved her. Even if she was related to Flash, I still had respect for Barry. He was a good man, and his sister was good as well.
  Y/N enjoyed the simple things in life. She never liked parties, because she wasn't the type to be the one in the middle of the floor dancing. She was the one in the back on her phone. She was concerned with other things. Hopefully, Y/N could forgive me for taking too long to return to her.

   Y/N'S POV

  Where was Leonard? Did he forget where I lived again? I couldn't even afford an apartment, so I still stayed with Joe. I helped out as much as I could when I wasn't at work. I was going to repay Joe when I could afford to have my own place.
  Leonard had to know where I lived, because Barry told me how he had been here before. I couldn't remember why, but I did remember the part about Iris being here as well.

  I walked outside; Leonard had finally arrived.

  He walked up to me and said,"Y/N, I'm sorry. I know I kept you waiting a long time, so I got you a gift."

  Leonard just handed me a piece of paper.

  I said,"You got me a piece of paper? What am I supposed to do with this?"

  Leonard chuckled and said,"It has something on the other side of it, Y/N. Please read it."

  I playfully stuck my tongue out at him before I flipped the paper over.

  After I finished reading the paper, I said,"Snart, I'm not mad at you, but I appreciate everything you said in this. You honestly think I'm beautiful?"

  Leonard nodded. I put the paper in my pocket and rested my hands on his face.

  I opened up to him by saying,"Snart, that word hasn't even been in my head since I was a little girl. I've never really felt like I was good enough to be around the other girls. Even when I'm at the mall, I don't feel like I belong in the same room with all of those other women. I have been seeing someone about it, but it will take time for me to truly believe I am beautiful. Don't stop. Don't stop making me laugh or telling me how beautiful you think I am. Your words encourage me every day, and you never even knew that until now. Please don't stop being yourself with me."

  Leonard just gazed into my eyes saying,"Whatever you want, Y/N. I won't stop. You have my word."

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