Jason Todd x Reader x Bucky Barnes

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Up next: Bruce Wayne x Reader x Tony Stark

Later: Barry Allen x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Jason was practically throwing daggers at Bucky, as Bucky tried to get comfortable on Jason and I's couch.

  I ran my fingers through Jason's hair saying,"Todd, there's no point in being mad about Bucky being here. He decided to come here, and I'm not going to leave him on his own. He's..important to me."

  Jason mumbled something to himself, before he headed up to our bedroom. Just looking at Bucky, I could tell he was tired yet angry about something. He could have been angry about anything, but I would feel guilty if I did not check on him at all. Bucky had his own troubles, from what I could remember.

  I took a seat on the couch, and he looked over at me saying,"I'm sorry about this, Y/N."

  I rested my hand on his arm as I said to him,"Don't ever apologize to me, Bucky. You looked out for me and Steve for a long time before whatever happened to you. You still look the same."

  Bucky chuckled, yet he looked down at my hand as he said,"But I've killed people, Y/N, lots of people. How could you let me into your home?"

  I replied,"I don't care what you've done in the past, Barnes. Steve told me some things here and there, but I'm not expecting you to tell me anything about what HYDRA actually did to you. Whatever you did then, it doesn't matter. You don't make me uncomfortable at all."

  Bucky sent me a genuine smile before I patted his arm saying,"You'll be all right down here by yourself?"

  Bucky nodded, yet I knew that even Bucky had fears. I knew he was scared. I knew him not too long ago.

  I kissed his cheek saying,"If you get hungry, there's food in the fridge. Too much food, so please eat it."

  Bucky laughed and hugged me. I hugged him back, but I would be back down here with him in a minute. I patted his arm before I walked upstairs to Jason and I's bedroom.

  Jason said,"I heard that you're trying to give our food away."

  I got in beside him and said,"Well, you heard right, but you know we both don't eat that much. Let's sleep downstairs on the other couch."


  "Because I want Bucky to know that we're both down there if he needs anything."

  Jason rubbed my back saying,"You used to be together, didn't you?"

  I shook my head saying,"No. Like I said, he's just important to me. Please, Jase?"

  Jason gave me a kiss before he joined me downstairs on the couch. Bucky noticed Jason and I were both down here, and I nudged Jason.

  Jason looked at Bucky and said,"We're here."

  Bucky nodded to Jason and sent me a wink. Jason wrapped his arms around me protectively, and I waited for Bucky and Jason to fall asleep before I fell asleep myself.


  For some reason, I woke up to hearing Jason yelling. Why was he yelling? Did I break something of his again? I looked down and noticed an unconscious guy on the floor in front of me.
  Bucky was gone too, and I followed Jason's voice. Jason was putting up a fight, but these men were clearly trained well.

  I rushed over to the guy and kicked him into the back door. Jason smiled at me, yet he ran past me and took down the guy who hadn't been too far from where I was standing.
  Wait, where was Bucky? Jason was here and clearly okay, but where did Bucky go? That was when I heard a gunshot coming from outside. Jason and I rushed outside, only to find Bucky holding the guy by his collar.

  I let out a sigh of relief and said,"It's good to see you in one piece. Are you good?"

  Bucky nodded, yet another two shots went off. This time by Bucky. Jason and I looked behind us to see two men on the ground groaning in pain.

  Jason said,"Thanks."

  Bucky said,"You're welcome. Y/N, I should get back home. I don't want any more of them putting you or Jason in harm's way. I'm going to lead the rest back home."

  I said,"But we can help you."

  Bucky shook his head saying,"You've done enough for me. Steve and Sam know what's going on, and they're going to help me. I'll be okay."

  I let it go, and Bucky said,"Take care of yourself, okay?"

  "I will. Thanks for letting me know that you're back."

  Bucky hugged me and shook Jason's hand before he left.

  Jason pulled me in for a side hug and said,"What do we do with these guys?"

  I replied,"We watch them until Gordon gets here. They're not from here, but I'm sure the prison here will watch over them."

  Jason nodded, and I rested my hand on his shoulder saying,"Todd, I'm tired. Let's go get some sleep."

  "Sounds like a plan."

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