Bat-Family x Reader

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Dedicated to user03860479

Up next: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Later: Barry Allen x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I didn't want to go back to school tomorrow. I didn't want to, but I knew that I couldn't tell my father, Alfred, or anyone else why I didn't want to go to school tomorrow.
  They'd be supportive, which wasn't the most terrible thing in the world, but it wasn't what I needed. I needed to try to get through this on my own first, no matter how much I wanted to run to one of my brothers, sisters, Alfred, or even my father right now.

  I found a chair to sit down in, quickly getting out all of my textbooks and anything else that I needed to finish my homework before dinner.

  Jason sat down beside me, which made me ask him,"How did you find me?"

  Jason laughed but smiled at me saying,"You're always in here, N/N. Do you need my help?"

  I shook my head and said,"No. I'm good. Thank you."

  Jason nodded and asked me,"How did your presentation go today?"

  I closed one of my textbooks and admitted to Jason,"It didn't go too well. My teacher's going to let me do it again tomorrow, though."

  Jason looked at me confused, then he asked me,"Didn't you have everything that you needed to have in it, though, N/N?"

  I said,"I did, but it still wasn't good enough."

  Jason asked me,"Why wasn't it good enough? What did she say?"

  I looked at the time and said to Jason,"I really need to finish this Geography homework before 11:59 p.m. It's a lot harder than it looks."

  Jason stood to his feet and said,"Right. I'll leave you alone. Come get me if you'll need me for anything, Y/N."

  I nodded and watched Jason go. I turned around and quickly finished the rest of my homework.

  Tim stopped at the door and said,"N/N, it's time for dinner."

  I quickly raced Tim down to the dining room table, but Alfred was quick to make Tim and I finish setting the table.
  A few minutes later, it was finally time to eat. Dad let me get my food first before everyone else dug in.

  Dad asked me,"Y/N, how was school today?"

  I said,"Good. My presentation didn't go too well, but I'm going to do it again tomorrow."

  Dad frowned and asked me,"Is there anything that we can do to help you, Y/N?"

  Damian said,"There must be something that we can do, N/N."

  I said to my father and Damian,"There's nothing that either of you can do. I've got this one. Thank you, though."

  Dick said,"Maybe we could sit in on your presentation tomorrow?"

  I wanted to say yes to Dick's suggestion, but I didn't think that that was a good idea.

  I said to everyone,"I'll be okay. I promise."

  I looked at Alfred,"Al, may I be excused from the table?"

  Alfred nodded and said,"Of course, Ms. Wayne. You have finished your meal."

  I rushed up to my bedroom and pulled up my presentation on my computer. Instead of making any changes to my presentation, I added more to it. I think my teacher just wanted me to add a little more to it and to not let anyone change the way that I presented what I wanted to present in my presentation.
  After I felt like I added enough, I rushed out of my bedroom and found my father and Alfred.

  Dad asked me,"Is everything all right, Y/N?"

  I nodded saying,"Yes, everything's all right. I just wanted to see if you could gather everyone down in the Batcave. I would like to present my presentation to everyone as practice."

  Dad smiled at me and said,"I'll have everyone down there in five minutes. I'm proud of you, Y/N."

  Dad kissed my forehead and I rushed down to the Batcave. I pulled my presentation up on the Batcomputer and waited for everyone to get down here. Once everyone was situated, I began my presentation.
  Once I finished my presentation, everyone cheered. Of course, it made me smile. I didn't care if they really hated my presentation and only cheered for me because they didn't want to hurt my feelings. It still felt nice.

  It was better than hearing your best friends whispering about you or laughing whenever you stopped talking. Maybe I needed to show my "best friends" that my life wasn't going to end because they wanted to be jerks. Maybe I needed to smile the whole time and present to those that wanted to hear my presentation.

  I... needed to go to school tomorrow. I wanted to show them that they were only wasting their own time. Not my time. I could find new best friends. If not, I had a family that I could always count on.


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