Clark Kent x Daughter Reader

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Up next: Jason Todd x Reader

Later: Bruce Wayne x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Christmas was only five days away, and I didn't know what to get my father. Yes, I should have had his gift picked out, wrapped, and sitting under the tree already, but I just didn't. Christmas grew closer every second, and the pressure wasn't helping.
  Ugh, why couldn't he just tell me what he wanted? Knowing my father, he could have had everything already. He was Superman. I knew that he was given many memorable things over the years, but what could I give him that would be better than all those things?

  Before I could give myself another headache, Dad called me.

  I answered immediately,"Everything all right, Dad?"

  Dad said,"Yes, sweetheart. Everything's fine. Your mother's-"

  I already knew what my father was about to say, so I just said to him,"Dad, if you need to stay here for a couple of days, you can. I don't mind."

  Dad sighed, before he said,"Y/N, no. It's all right. I don't-"

  I cut him off by saying,"No, it's not all right. You're staying here for a couple of days, Dad. I'll make sure the room is ready for you. See you whenever you get here."

  Before Dad could argue with me, I hung up. I stopped myself from throwing my phone into the wall, before I put it on the nightstand. I stood to my feet and walked out of my bedroom, then I walked to the spare room right beside my bedroom.
  I walked inside the spare room and began to clean it up. Once I finished cleaning, I left the window open for Superman and walked out of the room. At this point, I didn't even care if something else came into my house, but because I could handle it. I knew that.

  Honestly, I was just angry. Angry at Mom for trying to break Dad, like I knew she had been doing for years. Dad was just...I don't know if he couldn't see it or if he didn't want to, but I needed him to see it. I needed him to see that he deserved better.


  I looked towards the front door and saw Superman. He was struggling to stand on his two feet correctly, and he just looked...exhausted. I rushed down the steps and over to my father, before I put his arm around my shoulders and helped him to the spare room.

  I moved to help him some more, but he stopped me and said,"Darling, don't."

  I said,"But you're in pain, and you can barely stand on your own. Dad, just let me-"

  Dad pushed my hands away and cut me off by saying,"Y/N, please. Please..."

  I saw what looked like tears in Dad's blue eyes, and I nodded saying,"Okay. I'll be in my room."

  I walked towards the door and looked back to see Dad struggling to reach the back of his suit. It took everything out of me to walk out, but I did. Dad wanted to take care of himself on his own, and I had to let him. No matter how much it killed me to see him struggling so much.
  Instead of walking into my room, I jogged down the steps and grabbed my car keys. I walked out of the house and to my car, before I drove to my parents' house. I noticed Mom's car in the driveway, and I shook my head. I walked up to the front door and knocked on it several times.
  Mom opened the door and realized her mistake.

  I chuckled and said to her,"You're lucky I'm not Superman."

  Mom said,"Your father would never hurt me."

  I looked her in the eyes as I said to her,"I know he wouldn't. He's a good man and a good father, which is why I don't understand why you've been hurting him for so long."

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