Roy Harper x Sibling Reader Part 2

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Dedicated to jtoddster11

Up next: The Joker x Reader

Later: Damian Wayne x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  You're wondering if I left Mount Justice to talk to my brother's clone? No, I didn't leave Mount Justice to talk to my brother's clone. I was too afraid of getting hurt. Even if my brother's clone really did care for me, there was still the issue of no one knowing where my actual brother was right now. 
  Honestly, I was afraid that my brother's clone had just been playing the role just to play it. I truly believed that all of our conversations had been genuine, but that was my belief. It could've been completely different for him. And if it had been different for him, I didn't want to be told that.

  Artemis leaned on my door and asked me,"Are you feeling any better, Y/N?"

  I said,"A little, but I'd like to know where my brother is."

  Artemis didn't respond, but she did sit down beside me.

  She said,"I think it's good that you're looking for your brother, too, now, but you do need sleep. You should get some, before I send Conner in here."

  I chuckled saying,"Don't send him. I'll get some sleep. Thank you, Artemis."

  She nodded and hugged me, before she closed my door behind her. I went to turn off the light, but there was a knock on my door.

  I just said,"Come in."

  The door opened, leaving me to look at the man I had believed to be my brother this whole time. He had been very convincing this whole time, but I began to notice the differences between them now that he looked so defeated.
  So, I just got up and hugged him. He seemed very surprised, but he gladly hugged me back. I felt his tears making their way down my face individually, before he just collapsed into my arms. So, I just held him.

  When he calmed down, he kept apologizing to me and telling me how he didn't mean to hurt me. He also told me that I was a sister to him, that I had been a sister to him.

  I said,"Roy, just stop. Just stop apologizing. I want to be angry with you, but I won't be. It won't help anything. It won't. You have looked out for me and you have filled my brother's place this whole time. You may not be him, but you are still important to me and I don't want you to disappear from my life. I don't. Please stay in my life."

  He nodded and said,"I'll stay. Y/N, I am sorry. I won't stop apologizing."

  When we separated, I asked him,"So, why did you keep playing the role of my brother? Why didn't you just leave?"

  He said,"I don't know. It felt like the right thing to do. I had his memories and his skills. I basically had everything. Well, not everything, but you understand what I'm saying. It seemed to be really hard at first, but then it wasn't too bad. Most importantly, I realized you needed someone. I realized you needed me. This team needed me. I couldn't bring myself to just disappear, so I stayed."

  I said,"Thank you for staying. I guess this just makes me a bad sister, huh? I didn't even realize that you weren't him this whole time."

  He immediately took my hands saying,"You're not a bad sister. I was very convincing. I may not be your real brother, but you have been a great sister. But don't worry, I've been thinking about looking for him myself. I feel like it's also the right thing to do."

  I smiled at him,"We can look together."

  He smiled back at me saying,"Of course."


  When Green Arrow called me, letting me know that my brother had been found, I rushed to the address Green Arrow sent me and to the room where I could finally see my brother.
  However, I noticed Roy (my brother's clone) standing outside of the room.
  I hugged him and said,"I love you."

  He hugged me back saying,"I love you, too. Go inside. I'm going to head out."

  I nodded saying,"Be careful."

  I took a deep breath, before I walked into the room.

  My brother just looked at me for a good minute, then his eyes widened and he said,"Y...Y/N?"

  I rushed to him and hugged him saying,"Brother, it's so good to see you! I have so much to tell you."

  He hugged me back saying,"It's good to see you, too, Y/N. You look so different. How much have I missed?"

  I said,"You've missed a lot, but I will catch you up. Maybe I should take a seat?"

  He smiled at me saying,"Maybe you should. I could use some information from someone around here."

  I chuckled saying,"It's a good thing I'm here, then. So, where should I start?"

  He said,"The beginning. My memory is still a little fuzzy."

  I said,"The beginning? Are you sure you want to listen to me talk for a very long time?"

  He reached over and held my hand saying,"Yes, Y/N, the beginning. I'm sure. I want to hear everything. I'm not going anywhere."

  I squeezed his hand saying,"You better not go anywhere. You'll want to hear everything!"

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