Rā's Al Ghūl x Reader

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Dedicated to ElenaUchiha6

Up next: Slade Wilson x Reader

Later: Giganta x Reader

WARNING: This Rā's Al Ghūl x Reader contains a reader who is insecure about the way they look. Please do not read this, if it will be too much for you.

   Y/N'S POV

  I just wanted to know what it felt like to use the Lazarus Pit. I wished to appear as I did three years ago. I wanted my skin to be flawless. I wanted to be able to wear nice clothes. I wanted to be able to accept myself again.

  All I had to do was use the Lazarus Pit. Just one time...

  I took one step forward, but I heard someone say to me,"Y/N?"

  I didn't bother to turn around as I said to Talia,"Yes, Talia?"

  Talia walked down to me and asked me,"What are you doing in here? Does my father know?"

  I admitted to Talia,"I'm thinking about using the Lazarus Pit. It's the only way to truly help me feel like I don't need to change something about myself. If I just use the Pit, I'll be beautiful again. I'll be enough."

  Talia took my hand saying,"You shouldn't think about it. It will only change you, make you something else. You are already beautiful, Y/N. You are already enough."

  I shook my head saying,"I'm not enough. I was enough then, but not now. The Lazarus Pit is the answer to all of my problems."

  Talia shook her head and looked me in the eyes saying to me,"Y/N, please listen to me. The Lazarus Pit is not the answer. The Lazarus Pit always brings back more than what was offered to it. I have seen it destroy many good people, but I do not wish for that to happen to you. Y/N, please do not consider this any longer."

  I broke eye contact with Talia and let go of her hand saying,"I'm sorry, Talia. I have to consider this. I have to."

  Rā's entered the room and said,"Talia, leave us. I will speak to Y/N."

  Talia nodded to her father, but I could see the tears she was trying not to let Rā's or myself see. Talia left very quickly, before Rā's walked down to me.

  He stopped beside me and asked me,"Are you not beautiful enough now, Y/N?"

  I admitted to Rā's,"I'm not. You tell me that I'm beautiful every day out of routine."

  Rā's chuckled and said,"Y/N, that is not it. I tell you that you are beautiful every day because it is what I wish to say to you every day. It would be wrong of me not to remind you of your beauty when no one else seems to want to speak about it. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen, and I mean that."

  I asked Rā's,"So, you wouldn't want me to use the Pit to appear as I did three years ago?"

  Rā's shook his head and stood still saying,"No. I have no interest in seeing you as you were three years ago. Even though you were very beautiful then as well, you were not the Y/N I fell in love with. You were very aggressive and only wished to kill those that did no wrong to you. You enjoyed causing destruction and making sure that everyone's eyes were on you. You used your beauty to mock others. You are so focused on appearing as you did three years ago, that you have forgotten who you really were then."

  As I thought over Rā's' words, I realized... he was right. I wasn't the same Y/N that I was three years ago. Honestly, I don't know how I could've forgotten about all of that stuff. But was I willing to risk reminding everyone of all of those things to appear as I did then?

  Rā's intertwined his fingers with my fingers and said to me,"Y/N, I only wish for you to be confident in the beauty that is already within you. It isn't just about what everyone else sees. It's about how they perceive you. I think that you have come too far to go backwards. If you appear as you did three years ago, you will lose all the scars, bruises, burns, or memories that you currently carry with you. You aren't guaranteed to keep everything that you have gained after entering the Lazarus Pit. I am telling you this from personal experience. I have been around for centuries, but I do not have centuries worth of memories."

  I rested my free hand on Rā's face saying,"I don't want to lose any of my memories that I have of you, Talia, my family, and everyone else that I love. I don't even want to forget my past mistakes, because I want to continue to try not to be that person again. You're right, Rā's. I'm not the same person I was three years ago, but that's okay. It isn't so bad having scars and bruises all over my body."

  Rā's chuckled and leaned into my hand saying,"You don't have to accept how they happened, Y/N, but you should accept that you lived through those experiences. You don't need to appear as you did three years ago. You're perfect now."

  I smiled at Rā's saying,"Thank you. You're perfect, too. I won't use the Lazarus Pit. I give you my word. I love you."

  Rā's continued to lean into my hand as he said to me,"I love you, too, Y/N. I will continue to tell you that you are beautiful every day, if you wish for me to do so?"

  I said,"I wish for me to keep telling me that, Rā's. I may not be able to say it yet, but it will help a great deal to hear you say it to me. Maybe I'll be able to see it myself very soon."

  Rā's nodded and asked me,"Will you speak to Talia?"

  I nodded. Rā's led me to Talia's room and walked into her room to speak with her.

  Rā's walked back out some seconds later and kissed my cheek, then Talia said from inside her room,"You can enter, Y/N."

  I entered Talia's room and she immediately hugged me.

  I hugged Talia back and said to her,"Don't worry. I'm not going to use the Pit. You don't have to worry about losing me."

  Talia said,"Thank you, Y/N. Will you stay?"

  I nodded saying,"Of course. May I sit down beside you?"

  Talia nodded and moved what she had been working on to the side. I took a seat beside her and held out my hands for Talia to put hers in.

  Talia smiled and put her hands in my hands.

  I told Talia,"I am sorry if I scared you a little while ago. I was just so caught up in being beau- like I was then, that I didn't even realize that I wasn't setting a very good example for you, in that moment. I don't want you to be afraid, Talia. In many ways, I see you and I love you as my own daughter. I know we have not always seen eye to eye on many things, but I will do the best I can to make sure that someone is here for you. I will do the best I can to make sure that you will be around this me. Okay?"

  Talia said,"Okay. I do have something to finish."

  I stood to my feet and said,"I'm sure you do. I'll go."

  I walked towards the door and heard Talia say,"I love you, too, Y/N."

  I smiled and ended up walking straight into Rā's' arms.

  Rā's rested his forehead against mine and said to me,"You need sleep."

  I said,"I do need sleep. Lead the way."

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