Jason Todd x Reader

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Dedicated to reesescup1

Up next: Rā's Al Ghūl x Reader

Later: Slade Wilson x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  The Arkham Knight walked into the room and asked me,"Did Scarecrow touch you?"

  I shook my head saying,"No, he just threatened me the whole time. Why do you sound like you care?"

  The Arkham Knight walked around my chair saying,"I do care, Y/N. I just don't understand something."

  I asked him,"What don't you understand?"

  The Arkham Knight stopped walking around my chair and asked me,"Why trust Bruce for this long?"

  I swallowed, but I admitted to The Arkham Knight,"I've just trusted him for this long. That's it. I don't have some touching story to explain why, but I do know that I owe it to him to continue to trust him. He's protected me more times than I could ever count. Not only has he protected me, but he's believed in me when every other hero could care less."

  The Arkham Knight shook his head saying,"You shouldn't trust him, Y/N. He's only protecting you because he needs you. When he doesn't need you anymore, he'll abandon you. He'll replace you."

  I looked at The Arkham Knight saying,"Clearly, we have two different opinions on Bruce, but I'm curious as to how you know that he's Batman. Not a lot of people know that, especially not the ones that are trying to tear him apart."

  The Arkham Knight admitted to me,"You know me, Y/N. Well, you knew me a long time ago."

  I nodded, yet I asked him,"Why tell me now? Why even tell me at all?"

  The Arkham Knight reached for the back of his helmet or mask, but he stopped himself from revealing his true identity to me.

  I asked him,"What's wrong?"

  The Arkham Knight told me,"This may ruin everything, but I want you to know who I am."

  The Arkham Knight finally revealed himself to me. My eyes widened, yet I slowly stood to my feet. Once I got a good look at him, I immediately threw my arms around his neck. Jason seemed surprised, but he didn't move.

  Jason said,"You're not going to yell at me?"

  I shook my head saying,"No, I'm not going to yell at you. Believe it or not, this isn't a first for me. My father's also alive now, but Scarecrow thinks he's dead still."

  Jason just nodded, but I told him,"Honestly, Jason, I'm not mad at you. I would like to know where you've been all this time, but I'm sure there'll be plenty of time for you to tell me some other day. But right now, I'd like to know how much longer are going to see Bruce as your enemy instead of your ally?"

  Jason said,"I'm glad you're not mad at me. I always hated when you were, but I'll tell you everything some day. It's just a lot to talk about. And about Bruce, I'm not sure if I can trust him again."

  I put my hand on his shoulder saying,"I understand. I just hope that you'll come around one day."

  Jason wrapped his arms around my waist and looked me in the eyes saying,"Thank you, Y/N, for understanding. I'll try to come around."

  I kissed his cheek and smiled at him saying,"That's good enough for me. Should you put your helmet or your mask back on yet? Sorry, I don't know what you call it."

  Jason put it back on, and I sat back down in my uncomfortable chair.

  Jason said,"I'll do my best to keep Scarecrow from killing you."

  I nodded to him saying,"Thank you, Jason. Hey, do me a favor and stay alive to tell me everything?"

  The Arkham Knight squeezed my shoulder and said,"You're welcome. I'll do my best to get back to you."

  I put my hand over his hand saying,"You know that I can take all the bad memories away, right? Make them so that they never existed in the first place?"

  The Arkham Knight said,"Don't bother. It's all right."

  The Arkham Knight walked out, leaving me alone. As I sat by myself, I wondered why Jason didn't want me to take away all of his bad memories. Did they motivate him in some way? Was he just used to having to deal with them?

  I wanted to ask, but maybe it was best if I left it alone.


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