Scarecrow x Reader

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Dedicated to WrestlingKidTC

Up next: Leonard Snart x Reader

Later: Cisco Ramon x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I couldn't stop shaking. I was scared. I felt like I was going to pass out. Jonathan was out doing something, and I saw my abusive ex-boyfriend everywhere I went.
  I didn't trust my own sight anymore, because I kept seeing my greatest fear. My ex was that fear for me. I needed help, but I was alone. My phone was on the table, yet I heard footsteps.

  I said,"Crane?"

  No response. I called his name again, but there was still nothing. I immediately rushed into the kitchen and hid inside one of the cabinets. I was very small, so I could fit inside most things.
  I held my necklace tightly and the footsteps only grew louder. I prayed that the person would just take whatever they wanted and leave, but I really just wanted to see Jonathan.

  The cabinet opened; I only shook more.

  I cried saying,"Please don't! I put your drink back where you asked me to! Please don't throw me."

  "Sweetheart, it's me. Scarecrow."

  I slowly turned my head, but all I could see was the man that had broken me down for years. I couldn't see Jonathan. It wasn't Jonathan. Jonathan called me "sweetheart" and he was Scarecrow, but what if I was being tricked? I couldn't ignore the possibility that I had been drugged either, because it would make perfect sense for this moment now.

  I backed away and hit my head against the top of the cabinet. I had hit my head so hard that everything began to spin. In a couple of seconds, I was out.


  I slowly opened my eyes, and Jonathan sat down in the chair next to our bed.

  He placed a kiss on my hand saying,"You're going to be just fine, darling. It appears that you may have taken in one of my toxins a couple of hours ago. It affected you pretty quickly. You remember anything?"

  I nodded saying,"Yeah. I remember being really scared. I kept seeing my ex, the one before me and you even looked each other's way. I don't talk about him much at all, but he really did a number on me. I thought I overcame my fear of him, but your stuff showed me that I never got over my fear of him."

  Jonathan got in next to me and said to me,"Darling, the mind can be a dangerous thing, but we are all scared of something. That's okay, but you'll overcome your fear. I can help you, and you can help me."

  I asked him,"What are you afraid of?"

  Jonathan admitted,"When it comes to you, I'm afraid of not being good enough."

  I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck saying,"You'll always be good enough for me. I married you because I thought you were good enough. I thought you were perfect the way you are. Just try to keep your toxins away from me, okay?"

  Jonathan nodded and held me saying,"It won't happen again. I promise."

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