The Riddler x Poison Ivy

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Dedicated to DOOMTHEPIC

Up next: Livewire x Reader

Later: Conner Kent x Reader


  Never in a million years did I believe that I would be entertaining the thought of possibly going on a date with Edward Nygma of all people, but what could I say? I was interested.
  I couldn't resist a man that understood the importance of not just any lives but the lives of plants. It was hard to find a man that cared about plants over the lives of useless human beings. All they ever did was cause destruction and kill my poor babies.

  Harley ran over to me and asked me,"Red, what're ya smiling about?"

  I said,"I heard a tiny rumor earlier today, Harls, that's all."

  Harley leaned on my shoulder and said to me,"I wanna hear, Red! Tell me, please!"

  I chuckled and told Harley,"Well, I heard that Nygma might be stopping by soon to ask me to go on a date with him."

  Harley made a face, which made me ask her,"Harls, what's wrong?"

  Harley shook her head and smiled at me saying,"Nothing, Red. I gotta go meet Bats!"

  I asked Harley,"Why do you have to meet-"

  Harley quickly took off and yelled to me,"I'LL TELL YA LATER, RED! DON'T DO NOTHIN' STUPID!"

  I laughed, yet someone knocked on my front door. I walked up to the front door and opened it.

  Nygma said,"Hello, Ivy. May I come inside?"

  I nodded and said,"Why, of course, Edward. Please come inside."

  Nygma walked inside and waited for me to close the front door.

  After I closed the front door, I turned to face him and he said to me,"Ivy, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important. I can come back tonight."

  I walked up to him and said,"You're not interrupting anything important, Edward. Harley just left."

  He nodded and held out a rose saying to me,"I picked this up for you. I hear that it's very hard to find."

  I smiled at the rose and took it from him.

  I said,"Thank you, Edward. This means a lot to me. Why stop by at this time?"

  Edward put his hands behind his back and admitted to me,"I really like you, Ivy. I find you to be very tolerable compared to everyone else. I just wanted to know if you would like to go with me on a date tomorrow night? I understand if you are too busy to accept."

  I placed a kiss on Edward's cheek and said to him,"I find you to be very tolerable, too, Edward. I would love to go with you on a date tomorrow night."

  Before Edward left, he asked me,"Ivy, why didn't you just turn me away?"

  I took Edward's hands in my own and said,"I didn't turn you away because it wouldn't have been the right thing to do. I'll admit that I never thought that I'd be interested in you, Edward, but I am interested. We've never really had a much in common, Edward, but it doesn't mean that we can't have many of the same interests today or become closer to each other than we've ever been before. I'm willing to see what comes out of this, Edward. I am."

  Edward smiled at me and said,"Thank you for not turning me away, Ivy. I'll see you tomorrow night at 7."

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