Damian Wayne x Reader

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Dedicated to emmasantana61

Up next: Theo Galavan x Reader

Later: Batman x Daughter Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As Damian slept upstairs inside of our bedroom, I double checked our luggage to make sure I packed everything. Packing had always been the hardest task to me. I always ended up leaving something, even when I thought I had everything with me. I didn't need this to be one of those times.
  After double checking Damian and I's luggage successfully, I walked up to our bedroom door and opened it as quietly as I possibly could. I looked inside, only to find Damian still asleep. He'd have more than enough time to sleep on the airplane, so I sat down on our bed and kissed his jaw several times.

  Damian immediately moved his hand over to my usual side of the bed, but he noticed I was no longer there.

  Damian opened his eyes and turned to look at me.

  He asked me,"Is everything all right, Y/N?"

  I nodded saying,"Everything's fine, Damian. I just need you to get ready, okay?"

  Damian nodded saying,"All right. I'll be ready in 15 minutes."

  I pecked his lips and patted his chest saying,"Great. Thanks for not asking any questions. I'll see you downstairs in 15."

  Damian rubbed my arm saying,"Do I have just five more minutes to sleep?"

  I shook my head saying,"No, I need you to start getting ready now. We can't be late for this. I know you're tired, but you'll get more sleep in a little bit."

  Damian slowly sat up and kissed my forehead, before he headed towards the bathroom. I got a good look at the scars, burns, and bruises scattered all along his upper and lower back. I had to look away quickly, though. I had to. I needed this trip to be a relief for him.
  I stood to my feet and walked down to the kitchen to get a light snack. But once I made it to the kitchen and saw what we had, I no longer wanted a light snack. I wanted more than that. Why did I have to be so picky? It was food. Food was food.

  After being picky, I just decided to sit on the couch and watch whatever was on right now. A few seconds later, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  Damian said,"I'm ready. Where are we going?"

  I stood to my feet and faced him saying,"We're going to Hawaii!"

  Damian rushed over to me and asked me,"Why Hawaii? Who's after you? Are you being followed?"

  I chuckled saying,"Dami, I love you, but I'm good. No one's after me, and I'm not being followed. I promise. This is a trip for you. I just want you to have a good time. Think of it as a break from that iconic suit you wear every day."

  Damian asked me,"How long will we be gone?"

  I took Damian's hands saying,"Dear, it will only be for a few days. Not one day more."

  Damian nodded, but he admitted to me,"I've never done something like this before. It doesn't feel right. Why can't we stay?"

  I replied,"We can't stay. We can't. Damian, I don't want to see you go another day without stopping to try to do something fun or something that will help you relax. You don't have to be on the move 24/7. It's okay to do something different. Now, you've trusted me to be at your side and to be your wife for this long, trust me on this one."

  Damian nodded and walked over to our luggage. He picked them up and brought them out to his car. He put them inside the trunk, then he closed the trunk back. I walked up to him and led him over to the passenger's side of the car.

  I opened the door for him and said,"Get in. I'm driving."

  Damian asked me,"Do you not want me to drive us?"

  I shook my head saying,"No. You're tired. I've got it."

  Damian got in, and I jogged over to the driver's side of the car. I opened the door and got in, before Damian leaned over and kept giving me kisses.

  I blushed saying,"Damian Wayne..."

  He said,"Thank you. I love you."

  I said,"You're welcome. I love you, too."

  I backed out of our driveway, then I drove to the airport. But instead of going through the regular process, an airplane was already available for Damian and I to board privately.
  Damian and I stepped out of the car. I locked Damian's car, before I handed Damian his car keys. Damian grabbed our luggage from the back, then he used his free hand to hold my hand.

  I smiled, and Damian led me up every single stair and into the airplane.

  Bruce appeared from the front of the airplane and said to me,"Y/N, call me if you need me. If not, don't call me."

  Damian laughed, but I elbowed Damian in his stomach saying to Bruce,"That was a little harsh, Bruce. I'm just going to let that slide this time, though."

  Bruce looked over at Damian and said to him,"Enjoy yourself, Damian. Don't worry about Gotham."

  Damian only nodded. He carried our luggage to the back.

  Bruce rested his hand on my shoulder and said,"Watch your surroundings."

  I said,"I will. Thanks for helping me make this happen."

  Bruce waved it off, before he left. I headed to the back and sat down beside Damian. Damian immediately took my hand and tapped his foot.

  I put my hand on his right knee and said,"Dami, we're going to be fine. Why don't you look over the schedule that I made for our first day in Hawaii? You see if you want to add anything to it. Here are the things I didn't add. I didn't know if you'd want to do these things."

  I handed Damian the schedule that I made for our first day in Hawaii, but I also handed him the list of things I didn't add to the schedule.

  Damian studied the schedule for several minutes, but he said to me,"Y/N, we can have dinner together on the beach. It isn't too much."

  I smiled saying,"Really?"

  Damian nodded and said,"Yes. It's romantic."

  I asked him,"Are you positive? What if it's not something you'll enjoy? What if it's too romantic for you?"

  Damian looked down at our hands saying,"I'm certain about this, Y/N. I'd also like to dance with you after."

  I looked at what I had written down under having dinner with Damian on the beach. I did write about being able to dance with Damian. Maybe I just watched too many movies, but it was something that I have always wanted to do. It may have seemed lame and simple, but it was worthwhile to me.

  I leaned over and hugged Damian saying,"I love you so much. I promise you we'll do more things that you'd like to do when we land."

  Damian gave me a kiss and smiled down at me saying,"I'd like to do both of those things with you, Y/N. There's no need to add anything else. It's all right. I'll enjoy myself. I will."


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