Damian Wayne x Reader

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Up next: Bruce Wayne x Requested Reader

Later: Jaime Reyes x Reader

IMPORTANT: This one deals with teenage pregnancy.

   Y/N'S POV

  What was I going to do? Here I was, 18 years old in a hospital bed holding my newborn baby boy. The father of the child wanted nothing to do with me, but because responsibilities never mattered to him. I didn't ask to be pregnant, but I could still remember being held down by the father's friends while he repeatedly pushed himself in me.
  But, looking down at my baby boy, I had to find a way to make this work. I didn't want to put him up for adoption, because this could be a good thing for me. This baby boy could be what I needed.

  I decided to name him Dominic. I just really liked the name (as usual, if you guys don't like the name, just fill in a name that you like instead). I wanted to be able to be there for Dominic, even if it meant taking on more than one job.
  And my parents...my parents wanted nothing to do with me. They had already kicked me out, not even letting me tell them what I had endured on that long and painful night. I was on my own, but it usually felt that way. Maybe I could stay with my stepfather, but I couldn't put anything on him.


  After I was released to go home and to take Dominic as well, I walked outside to meet Damian Wayne at his car.

  Damian met me halfway and smiled at seeing Dominic. Damian helped me with the car seat, before he kept looking behind me.

  Then, he asked me,"Is Andrew still inside?"

  Andrew was the father that didn't want any part of this.

  "Andrew wants nothing to do with me, and he's not going to change his mind. Apparently, he has too much to do with his life after I told him I was pregnant."

  Damian's hand tightened around the car door handle.

  I rested my hand over his own saying," Damian, I'm not going to let him mess everything up for me. You shouldn't waste your anger on Andrew either. He always liked to make you mad anyways, so just forget about him."

  Damian just looked down at my hand, and I pulled my hand back. Then, I got in the car and Damian drove towards Wayne Manor.
  I looked back at Dominic, and he was so small. Not only was he small, but he was my son. He was my responsibility, and I had to put him first. Luckily, I had just graduated high school, but I would have to make different plans for college.

  Damian said,"What's his name, L/N?"

  "Dominic is his name. Thanks for coming to pick Dominic and I up. I thought Alfred was coming."

  Once the car came to a stop, Damian said,"I asked Pennyworth not to come, because I wanted to come get you. I wanted to apologize to you for how I treated you back when we first met. I was younger then, but that's no excuse. I just wanted to apologize, let you know that I'll never treat you like that again."

  I placed a kiss on Damian's nose saying,"I'm glad I got the chance to talk to you. It's been a long time. I appreciate the apology, and I forgive you. I also know that you're going to keep your word."

  Damian let out a sigh of relief, and we arrived at Wayne Manor a couple minutes later. Damian carried Dominic in his car seat inside, while Bruce and Alfred stood at the door.

  I hugged Alfred, and then I hugged Bruce saying,"If I overstay my welcome, I understand if I have to leave."

  Bruce said,"I've been meaning to talk to you anyway, so this will work. You are more than welcome to stay here along with your child."

  I didn't know what to say to Bruce. I just hugged him again, before Alfred led me to where I would be staying. When I put my stuff down, Damian placed Dominic in my arms.

  Before Damian could leave the room, I asked him,"Dami, do you want to hold him? Like sit down and hold him for a minute?"

  Damian looked like he was having an inner battle with himself, and I held out my hand. Damian took my hand, and he sat down beside me.
  I let go of Damian's hand, before I said,"Put your arms like this. Yeah, like that. I'm going to put Dominic in your arms now."

  I slowly placed Dominic in Damian's arms. When Dominic began to cry, Damian frowned and tried to hand Dominic back to me.

  I placed my hand on Damian's arm saying,"No, no. He just needs to get used to you. You're holding him right."

  I showed Damian how to get Dominic to stop crying, and then Dominic stared up at Damian.

  Damian's frown slowly broke into a smile, and he said to me,"This is actually nice."

  I slowly rested my head on Damian's shoulder and looked down at Dominic.

  Damian said,"Dominic, you're going to like it here. I'll watch out for you and your mother."

  "Damian, it's not your job to look out for me and Dominic, but I won't turn you away. If you want to help me, then I won't stop you. You just promise me that if something happens to me, you'll make sure Dominic is left with people you trust the most."
  "I choose to watch out for the two of you, so I will do just that. Nothing will happen to you, L/N. If something does happen (which is not possible), then I promise you that Dominic will be okay."



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