Teen Titans Robin x Reader

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Dedicated to rileyfury413

Up next: Clark Kent x Reader x Steve Rogers

Later: Nate Heywood x Reader


  How could I have let this happen? I shouldn't have said what I did to Y/N. She wasn't a liability to this team, and she didn't cause the mission to go wrong. I was just so angry that she didn't listen and that she had caused herself to get hurt. Even though her powers were impressive, it didn't keep her from getting hurt.
  I cared for Y/N a great deal. Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I liked her. I really did, yet I couldn't tell her that if we never found her. It was my fault Y/N wasn't here now, and I had to find her. Anything could happen. Slade could..No, Slade was gone. I just had to find Y/N.

  I headed towards the door, and Beast Boy said,"Robin, where are you going?"

  I looked back at him over my shoulder saying,"To go find Y/N myself. Stay here. I'll be back."

  Cyborg entered the room and said,"We're a team. We can help you find Y/N."

  Raven then entered the room with Starfire saying,"You shouldn't go out there alone, Robin. You need us."

  I shook my head saying,"I need to do this alone."

   Y/N'S POV

  Was I really a liability? No, I couldn't have been. It wasn't my fault the mission didn't go as planned. Robin didn't mean anything he had said. I knew it, but I couldn't help but...

  "You shouldn't be out here all alone, Y/N."

  No, he was dead.

  Slade stood a couple of feet away from me, and he said in his creepy voice,"It's been a while, Y/N."

  "How are you here? Does Robin know?"

  Slade chuckled,"No, but I'm looking forward to seeing if he's made any progress since the last time we fought. But, I know there won't be a change with you, Y/N. You're getting even weaker than before."

  I ran towards Slade and threw a punch his way, but he grabbed my arm and threw me onto the ground. I got back up and threw everything I had at him, but Slade was smart.


  Slade let go of me, before Robin ran towards Slade. Slade laughed, and then he just disappeared. Robin frantically looked around for Slade.

  I softly said,"Robin."

  Robin looked back at me and held out his hand for me. I put my hand in his, before he helped me up.

  He said,"I'm sorry for what I said. You mean a lot to this team. You mean a lot to me, and I am really sorry."

  I kissed his cheek saying,"It's okay, Robin. I accept your apology."

  Robin blushed, before he rubbed his cheek.

  I smiled, and then I asked him,"Are you gonna be okay?"

  Robin nodded and said,"I can't believe Slade's back, but we'll see him again. And when we do, we'll be ready for him."





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