Jason Todd x Daughter Reader

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Dedicated to reesescup1

Up next: Damian Wayne x Sibling Reader

Later: Bruce Wayne x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  It was too quiet, so I walked into my father's bedroom to see what he was up to. When I made it inside his bedroom, he was still asleep. I made sure his pillow was fluffy enough and that his right foot was propped up correctly, then I sat down in the chair in front of my father's bed.
  I don't know why my father seemed so tired lately, but I do know that I had had to heal him a number of times this week alone. It made me very angry that my father kept going back out there to fight for people that hated him, but he was dedicated. That I could say.

  When my father woke up, he said,"Thank you, Y/N. Thank you."

  I said,"You're welcome. Who else is going to make sure you're okay?"

  My father smiled at me, yet his smile quickly disappeared and he slowly sat up.

  I asked him,"What are you doing? Do you have to go to the bathroom?"

  He groaned in pain saying,"I'm sitting up, Y/N. I don't have to go to the bathroom."

  I held up my hand saying,"No need for the sass, Dad. I'm only here to help you."

  He closed his eyes and said,"I'm sorry, Y/N. You are helping me. I just had a bad dream. I'll be all right in a few minutes."

  I grew concerned, yet I knew it was best to let my father communicate to me if he needed my help on certain things.
  He kept his eyes closed for a very long time. But when he opened his eyes, he motioned to the spot beside him on the bed.

  I sat down beside him, making sure I had given him enough room to move around if he wanted to.

  Dad said,"You can go home, Y/N."

  I shook my head saying,"No. I don't want to go home. I want to stay here and make sure you're still breathing. You're my best friend, Dad. I have to stay here. You'd do the same for me if I was in your place right now."

  Dad wrapped an arm around my shoulders and said to me,"You have a point, Y/N. You have a point. I've been through a lot, Y/N. At one point, I just didn't believe that I'd ever see past my anger and what The Joker did to me, but I was able to once I grew closer to my family and once you were born. I was able to focus on being there for you but also for the other people I had made promises to earlier on. I'm glad I was able to focus on something else. It wasn't easy, though, but I was able to."

  I looked at Dad's hands saying,"I wonder what you would've been like if you hadn't moved past your past. Even though you said it took time, I'm sure you have to think about the bad moments every once and a while, right?"

  Dad nodded saying,"The bad moments still come up every now and then, but I've learned how to not get so lost in the bad moments. I think you'll be able to do that, too, Y/N."

  I said,"I'm sure I'll be able to do that, too, one day, Dad. Well, I hope so. What I do know is I don't want to have to heal you again this week. Please just stay inside the house for the next few days."

  Dad sighed saying,"I'll stay inside for the next few days."

  I fixed the pillow under his right foot saying,"I'll remember you said that, Dad. I will. But, why have you been so tired lately?"

  Dad said,"I'm just tired, Y/N."

  I smiled at him saying,"It's a good thing I'm here, then. I can make sure no one disturbs you, but I can also annoy you to death."

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