Bruce Wayne x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to SacredWarrior

Up next: Jaime Reyes x Reader

Later: Tim Drake x Requested Reader


  How long was this gala going to be? I was getting bored, yet there was still no sight of Bruce. I had known Bruce for a long time now, and I owed him everything. He helped protect my kids. He calmed me down before I could ever spiral out of control. I knew I was in love with him, but I often tried not to let my feelings show. That became harder to do every time I was around Bruce.

  Maybe I should at least show him that I liked him more than just a close friend.

  "Veronica, I didn't think you'd still be here."

  Bruce was now in front of me. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and looked down at what I chose to wear tonight.

  He crouched down and fixed my left heel.

  Then, he stood back to his feet and said,"You're welcome. I like your dress. It suits you."

  I looked down saying,"Thanks, Bruce. How's this gala going for you?"

  I looked back up at Bruce, and he held my chin saying,"You okay? Is there something going on?"

  I rested my hand on Bruce's shoulder saying,"Hey, relax. I'll be okay."

  Bruce nodded and held out his hand, asking me,"Would you care to walk around with me?"

  All I had to do was hold Bruce's hand. It shouldn't be hard for me to stay calm, right?

  I intertwined my fingers with his fingers and said,"I'd love to join you, Wayne. Lead us around the room."

  Bruce chuckled and walked me around to all the different people he had to socialize with. It was a lot of people.
  When we made it to the last group, I was actually pretty sad that there wasn't any more people to talk to. I don't know if it was because I wanted to hold Bruce's hand longer...Okay, it was because of that.

  Bruce then turned to me saying,"You're more than welcome to go home, but I'm going to be in my office for a-"

  I blurted out,"I'll come with you!!"

  Bruce jumped, but he led me into his office.

  I looked out on Gotham, and I could hear Bruce moving stuff around as he said,"Veronica, you've been in my office several times. You've seen everything in here. What's up?"

  I turned around and walked up to Bruce's desk.

  I stood face to face with him and said,"Okay, I'm just going to say it. Bruce, I love you. I love everything that you've done for me and my kids. I'm used to being let down, but you've always gone above and beyond to make sure I was never let down. I really appreciate that. I understand if you don't care about a word I'm saying to you right now, but I just want you to know that everything you do for me, I notice. I pay attention, and I only try to do the same for you."

  Bruce brought his hand up to my face and stroked my cheek saying,"Thank you for telling me how you feel. I love you, too, Veronica, but I can't give you everything that you need right now. Gotham's worse than ever right now, and I-"

  I put my hand over Bruce's hand saying,"Then, I'll wait as long as you need me to. I can do that for you, Bruce, don't worry. You just do what you have to do for your city, but I'll still be here if you need someone to talk to or trust. You can count on me."

  Bruce smiled and placed a kiss on the palm of my hand saying,"Thank you, Veronica, for understanding. Thank you."


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