Jonathan Crane x Reader

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Dedicated to life-in-PURPLE

Up next: Superman x Reader x Batman

Later: Roy Harper x Sibling Reader Part 1


  What was I to do? Y/N would be here any moment, expecting the gift I had promised to finally give her almost a week ago. However, I had nothing to give to my dear Y/N. I had lost the last of my money trying to get her something that I felt would make her very happy, but now she would only be disappointed.

  I could only watch as Y/N moved closer and closer to my front door. She appeared to be very calm, making sure she didn't trip over her own feet.

  Once Y/N painfully made it to my front door, she smiled warmly at me saying,"Hi. May I come in?"

  I swallowed saying,"You may come in. Watch your step."

  Y/N stepped inside, closing the door behind herself. She took a seat on the couch, but she quickly stood to her feet.

  She said,"So, Jonathan, how have you been?"

  I expected her to ask about the gift, but instead, she wanted to know about how I had been.

  I answered,"I've been stressed, Y/N, if I can be honest with you."

  Y/N frowned saying,"Why are you stressed?"

  I took out my wallet and showed Y/N the inside of it.

  She put her hands over my hands saying,"Jonathan, we've talked about this before. I don't care if you don't have a lot of money. I don't either."

  I sighed saying,"No, Y/N. I had money, but then I lost it all after I was fooled into thinking I would get what I have been trying to get you for months now. I don't have a gift for you, Y/N, like I promised you I would have for you."

  Y/N hugged me saying,"Jonathan, it's okay. You've given me more in three years than all of the men I had been with had given me in the longer amount of time I had been with them all. I'm already satisfied with the way you have been treating me. I don't need anything but your honesty and your support."

  I asked Y/N,"So, you are satisfied with me? You are not having any doubts right now, because I don't have a gift for you?"

  Y/N leaned on me saying,"I'm satisfied with you, Jonathan. I'm not having any doubts. Jonathan, a gift is just a gift. You have shown me in many ways that you love me. You don't have to buy me things to show that you love me. You don't."

  I only nodded, but I asked Y/N,"Are you available this weekend?"

  Y/N said,"I am available this weekend, Jonathan. Why do you ask?"

  I said,"I'd like to spend that time together somewhere, instead of here at home alone. Is that all right?"

  Y/N kissed my jaw saying,"It sounds lovely, Crane. It's all right with me."

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