Rose Wilson x Reader

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Dedicated to JoshMC2000sev

Up next: Barry Allen x Reader

Later: The Joker x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  After I washed my face, I walked down the steps and jumped at seeing Rose casually sitting on my couch watching tv. I grabbed the closest thing to me and threw it, but Rose quickly turned around and caught it.

  I said,"Nice to know you're always paying attention, but why are you in my house?"

  Rose chuckled saying,"I invited myself. You owe me."

  I thought about it and said,"No, I don't owe you anything. Nice try, though. Since when do we have sleepovers?"

  Rose stood to her feet and followed me into the kitchen.

  She sat down in the chair across from where I currently stood and watched me wash dishes.

  I asked her,"Do you wanna help me?"

  Rose shrugged and washed the dishes. I decided to dry the dishes and put them up.

  Rose moved pretty quickly, but I nudged her and asked her,"Is your father or one of your brothers back again?"

  Rose only nodded and I chose not to press her about it. If she needed to talk to me about it, I knew that she would. I just had to have patience, which had always been a challenge for me. But for Rose, I could have patience.

  After we finished doing the dishes, I told Rose,"Find something in my closet to wear. We're going out. Rose, you don't have time to go to your place and get something."

  Rose only headed upstairs, yet I wasn't surprised when Mr. Wilson appeared in my kitchen doorway. How did everyone keep getting into the house?

  Mr. Wilson only smiled at me and said,"Hello, Y/N."

  I couldn't help but smile back at him and said,"Hello, Mr. Wilson. If you're here for Rose, she's actually upstairs getting dressed. We're about to go out. If you want me to let her know that you're here, I can go do that."

  He looked towards upstairs, but he shook his head saying,"Don't bother, Y/N. Rose doesn't want to see me right now even after I saved her life."

  I didn't know what to say to that, but I knew that I didn't want Rose destroying my house if she spotted her father here.

  I asked him,"Can we talk outside?"

  He nodded and followed me outside. I made sure Rose wasn't coming down yet, before I closed the door and looked back at Mr. Wilson.

  He asked me,"What did you want to talk about? Rose?"

  I said,"I wanted to talk about me. Rose will come around. She just needs time and space. Trust me. This has happened between me and her several times over the years, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. At my job, we're having an event tomorrow night. It's really fancy and lots of people will be there, but it's also an opportunity to bring important people that matter to you. Friends, mothers, fathers..."

  I looked away, afraid to see his facial expression, as I said to him,"I know that you have other things that you could be doing, but it would make me very happy if you came."

  Before I could get his answer, I overheard Rose calling my name. When I looked back, Mr. Wilson was gone. I frowned and Rose opened the front door.

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