Jason Todd x Reader

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Up next: Tim Drake x Reader

Later: Nightwing x Reader x Deadpool

   Y/N'S POV

  I had managed to embarrass myself twice already in the last two hours. This was my very first date in about a year, and I was scared to leave the bathroom. I knew I couldn't stay in here all night or Jason would misinterpret my true intentions of this date.
  I wanted this to go well, because I needed it to. Hopefully, Jason was still waiting at our table. I finally scrubbed the spaghetti sauce out of my dress and tried to make the stain less visible. I did the best I could before I held my head up high and left out of the bathroom.

  I walked back to the table and luckily, Jason was still here.

  I let out a sigh of relief and Jason chuckled saying,"You were in there for a long time. I thought you had gotten stuck in the toilet or something."

  I laughed myself and said,"So, you weren't going to come and see if I was okay? What if I was really stuck?"

  Jason just gazed at me, never answering my questions.

  I kicked his leg under the table and he groaned saying,"Oww, Y/N! Why did you do that?"

  "No reason."

  Jason rolled his eyes and we just finished eating in silence. Jason helped me back into my coat before he walked with me back to my small apartment.

  As we walked together, he asked me," Did you enjoy the date?"

  I smiled saying,"I did. It was the first date I've had in a long time. Thank you for not wasting my time."

  Jason laughed and replied,"Uh, you're welcome. I also enjoyed the date. The best part was when you thought I was going to kiss you and your spaghetti fell onto your dress. I also enjoyed when you ordered the wrong entree and you couldn't get another one."

  I blushed in embarrassment and said,"Well, I'm sorry you had to witness both of those things tonight. I probably look less attractive now, huh?"

  Jason glanced over at me and back in front of him saying,"You, Y/N? Less attractive? That's not possible. I don't care that those things happened, Y/N. Just because you mess up, it doesn't make you any less attractive. You'll always be that way, no matter who tries to argue against it. I still want to go on another date with you."

  Once we reached my apartment door, Jason made sure I made it inside. I watched him walk to his car, but then I remembered something.

  I was scared about being too loud and the neighbors complaining, so I jogged over to Jason's car and knocked on the window.

  He let the window down and asked me,"Are you okay?"

  I looked down at my shoes before I confidently asked Jason,"Could you stay with me for a couple of hours?"

  Jason's hand was still on the wheel and I reached in my pocket for the money I had left.

  I held it out to him and said,"My ex-boyfriend has been sending me messages nonstop, and I..I'm really afraid of him. He keeps threatening to do something to me and I don't feel comfortable by myself. I've had my other neighbors over every now and then to keep me distracted, but I think they're tired of me now. Could you please stay? This money is all I have left right now. I'll give you more when I get paid again, but I understand if this is an inconvenience for you. I'll tough it out by myself, too, if you don't want to be bothered."

  Jason turned the car off and got out saying,"I'm not taking your money, Y/N. What kind of a man would I be if I left you alone after hearing that? I'm right behind you."

  "Thanks, Jason."

  "Anytime, Y/N. Don't just offer your money to people, including me."

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