Damian Wayne x Reader

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Up next: Batman x Daughter Reader Part 2

Later: The Riddler (Arkhamverse) x Reader

How are y'all doing? Everyone staying safe?
   Y/N'S POV

  I really needed to find another apartment, but I was broke, and I couldn't even afford to think of other options at this point. I reached forward to open the refrigerator door, but someone knocked on my door three times.
  I turned and walked over to the front door, opening it to see Damian Wayne was here. I had no idea why Damian was here, but I was happy to see him. Just looking at him, I was reminded of how much time had passed since we were kids.

  I said,"Welcome, Damian Wayne, to my apartment. What can I do for you?"

  Damian looked around my apartment saying,"You need a new apartment, L/N."

  I rolled my eyes saying,"You always know how to make me feel so special, Damian. Please come inside."

  Damian walked inside, and I closed the door behind him. He sat down on the couch, and I took a seat beside him.

  Damian asked me,"Are you busy?"

  "No, I'm not. I was just planning on sleeping the whole day."

  Damian nodded, yet he said,"Father's having another event at Wayne Enterprises for a good cause, but he wants me to bring a date. L/N, will you be my date for the event?"

  I smiled and fixed Damian's hair saying,"Of course I'll be your date, Wayne. You need me."

  Damian smiled right back at me and said,"I do need you, Y/N. Thank you."

  Damian kissed my cheek, and I blushed saying,"Oh, you're...you're welcome, Damian. No problem."

  Damian looked around my apartment again, before he said,"L/N, you know that you don't have to stay here, right? Father can find a more suitable place for you."

  I replied,"I know, Damian, but I'd rather get the place myself. I'd just feel guilty if it was just given to me by Bruce. It would be a blessing, a real blessing, but I just wouldn't feel right about it."

  Damian nodded, before I walked him to the door.

  Damian looked me in the eyes saying,"I understand, Y/N."

  I talked to Damian for a few more minutes, then I watched him leave. I rested my hand on my cheek and smiled.
  When I snapped out of it, I walked over to the couch and fell down onto it. It only took me a matter of minutes to go to sleep.


  At about ten at night, Damian called me. He rarely called me at this time, but I figured it had to be important for him to do so.

  I said,"Yes, Dami?"

  Damian replied,"What color will you wear for your attire tomorrow?"

  I smiled saying,"I'm not sure yet, actually. What color were you going to wear, Damian Wayne?"

  Damian said,"I don't know. I'm asking, because I want us to look presentable in front of Father's friends."

  I made a noise and said,"Aww, Damian, that's so cute, but I don't think these people are really Bruce's friends. Anyway, what about red?"

  "That could work, L/N. We'll both wear red. Father needs my help. I have to go."

  "You go help Bruce. Goodbye, Damian."

  I hung up the phone, before I just decided on going back to sleep. I had nothing better to do anyway.


  The next morning, I cleaned up around the house and then cleaned out my car. When I finished, I only had about an hour left before Damian arrived. Quickly, I locked my car and rushed inside the house to get ready.
  After I got out of the shower, I slipped into my outfit and my shoes before I did my hair. I didn't feel like doing makeup today, so I just grabbed my phone and checked the time.

  Damian should be...

  When I heard knocking on the door, I picked up my step and made sure it was Damian at the door.

  When I opened the door, I immediately said,"Whoa, let me just take this in. Damian Wayne, not in the Robin suit. This is huge."

  Damian chuckled, before he looked down at my outfit.

  I asked him,"Is this okay?"

  Damian held out his hand saying,"It's perfect, L/N. You look great."

  I put my hand in Damian's hand, and I stopped from stepping into the car at seeing my ex-best friend in the backseat, whom was also Damian's ex-girlfriend.

  I looked at Damian, and he said,"L/N, you're my date, not her. She's also going to be attending Father's event, but she needed a ride."

  I sat down in the passenger seat, before I closed the door beside me. Damian immediately drove off, and the ride to the event was silent. No one said a word, but I just didn't want to talk to the woman in the back who had literally tried to turn everyone against me.
  Once I stepped out of the car, Damian walked me and her inside. Once she went in the opposite direction, Damian led me over to where Bruce, Alfred, Jason, Dick, Barb, and Tim were sitting.

  Jason smirked saying,"Look at the happy couple. How many times did you have to beg before she said "yes", Damian?"

  I said to Jason,"He didn't have to beg, Jase. I agreed the first time."

  Bruce got up from his seat, and he hugged me.

  He said,"Thank you for coming with Damian. I was worried that he would come alone."

  I nodded, and Damian said,"Father, I'm Y/N's date."

  Bruce laughed, before he pulled away from the hug. Bruce sent me a wink, then he walked off to socialize.

  Damian asked me,"Y/N, would you like to dance?"

  I nodded saying,"Sure, Damian."

  Damian let out a sigh of relief, before he led me over to the middle of the floor where everyone else was dancing. I wrapped my arms around Damian's neck, and he wrapped his arms around me.

  I said,"You look like you're about to puke, Damian. Don't be nervous. I'm not going to leave you standing here by yourself."

  Damian smiled and nodded saying,"I'll do my best, Y/N."

  I asked Damian,"Why do you sometimes call me "Y/N" and other times you'll call me "L/N?""

  Damian shrugged saying,"I don't know. I just do. Does it bother you?"

  I shook my head saying,"No, I just enjoy trying to guess which one you'll call me next. I was also just curious."

  Damian pulled me closer to him and said,"L/N, would you consider going on a real date with me?"

  I freed my arms from around Damian's neck and cupped his face saying,"Yes, Damian, I would consider it. If you're asking, then yes, I'll go on a real date with you."

  Damian kissed me, and then he quickly ended the kiss and took a step back from me.

  He said,"Y/N, I-"

  I took a step forward and pulled him in for a kiss. Damian returned it, and he rested his hands on my waist.

  When he ended the kiss, he said,"You didn't reject me?"

  "Why would I, Damian?"



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