Batman x Daughter Reader Part 2

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Dedicated to carrie_frederick

Up next: The Riddler (Arkhamverse) x Reader

Later: Wally West x Reader

How's everyone's week going?
   Y/N'S POV

  I couldn't believe it. I was standing on the alter about to say my vows to my husband-to-be, Hal Jordan. However, when I looked through the large crowd of superheroes at our wedding, I saw everyone but my father. My father had walked me down the aisle, but I didn't even see exit the room. When I looked at my mother, she nodded towards the doors.
   Yes, Hal and I had been back together for some time now, but I needed to make sure my father was okay. He had always made sure that I was okay, now I needed to do the same for him.

  I looked back at Hal, and Hal said,"Go, Y/N. I'll still be here."

  I gave him a kiss and said,"You're amazing. Thank you. I'll be right back."

  I picked up my dress and rushed out of the room, before I made my way out of the beautiful church and sat down on the first step beside my father.

  He looked over at me saying,"Y/N, you're getting married."

  I rested my hands on his arm saying,"Daddy, I know that. Why are you out here instead of in there sitting down beside Mom?"

  Dad looked away from me as he replied,"I'm not prepared, Y/N. I'm not prepared to let go of you."

  I bit my lip, not really knowing what to say next. For the last couple of weeks, Dad had been acting off with me, but I figured it was because there were enough people that made him angry every single day. It never once occurred to me that he could have been acting that way because he wasn't prepared for this exact moment.

  Dad just talked instead as he said to me,"After you get married, you're not going to need my help any longer. You're going to ask Hal everything. You're not going to come and see me every week."

  I leaned on Dad's arm and said,"Dad, you're you. I'm always going to need your help, even when I am not even aware that I need your help. I'm not going to ask Hal everything, because most things I'll still come ask you about. Maybe I won't drop by as much as I normally do, but that doesn't mean that I won't try to come and see you to the point where you'll have someone trap me in the Batcave while you're upstairs."

  Dad chuckled, and I said,"Dad, if you do that, I'll never forgive you. It's not funny. It's rude of you to even laugh and consider that. I know you're considering it."

  Dad smiled at me, before he just looked away from me. I kept my hands on his arm, but that was when I leaned forward and saw that he was crying.

  I frowned and immediately hugged him saying,"Dad, it's okay. Don't cry. I promise I'm not going to cut you off or never come see you again. You're my father. You've always taken care of me, and I'll take care of you. It goes both ways, and I will never do anything to hurt you. Dad.."

  Dad wrapped his arms around me, and he said,"I love you, Y/N."

  I replied,"I love you, too, Dad. Do you just want to sit for a few more minutes?"

  Dad nodded, before I kept my arms around him and sat with him for just a few more minutes.

  When Dad stood to his feet and helped me stand to my feet, I asked him,"Do you need more time before we go in?"

  Dad shook his head saying,"No. I've held up your wedding long enough."

  I said,"But we can hold it up some more, if you're not okay."

  Dad smiled at me and said,"You are your mother's daughter, but it's okay, Y/N. We have plenty of time to talk after you get married."

  I said,"Right. We will have plenty of time to talk. I'm always here for you, Dad. I don't want you to forget that."


   Y/N'S POV

  No one else had seen Dad for a couple of hours, but I knew where to find him. I always knew where to find him when no one else did, well besides from Alfred, Mom, and Lucius.
  When I made it to Dad, he just appeared to be standing there. He turned and noticed me, yet he turned around and continued to stand completely still.

  I walked up beside him, and I said,"Dad, we don't have to talk. I just want you to know that I'll be right here beside you."

  Batman smiled, before I smiled myself saying,"You're smiling. Batman's smiling. I'd love to send Joker a picture of this."

  The second I mentioned Joker, Dad became completely still again. Maybe Joker was after someone Dad cared about again?

  Batman moved as he said,"Y/N, I smile because of you. I also smile thinking of all the members of our family, but at this moment, I'm smiling because of you."

  I smiled at Batman, and he pulled me into his arms.



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