Wally West x Reader

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Up next: Jon Kent x Requested Reader

Later: Clark Kent x Reader

This Wally West x Reader is based off the DC Comics show Young Justice's Wally West.

IMPORTANT: Hey, everyone, Batmanwife13 here. I apologize for the long wait for another update, but here you go! If you all want to, follow my Instagram page storiestoldbykarrington. With this page, I'll be letting you all know when I'm updating a book or even publishing a new book here on Wattpad. I'll also have a place where you can ask me questions, etc. Really nervous about doing this, but I'm also excited!

   Y/N'S POV

  As I cleaned up my living room, someone knocked on my door three times. I walked over to my front door, and my boyfriend, Wally West, sent me a text to let me know that it was him at the door.

  I opened the door, and he smiled at me saying,"Hey, babe. I bought these for you. I hope you like chocolate chip cookies."

  I said,"It looks like you've eaten most of them."

  Wally blushed saying,"Sorry. I got hungry on the way here. I can throw them away or give them to Rob."

  I shook my head saying,"No, I'll take them. When you're in college and you're broke..."

  Wally chuckled, before he gave me several kisses and ran inside my house. I closed the door and sat down beside Wally on the couch.

  He asked me,"Are you cleaning in here?"

  I nodded saying,"Yes, I am. I rarely get time to do so, so I'm doing it now while I'm certain that I can finish all of this in one day."

  Wally made a face at me, and my eyes widened before I said,"Oh, I get it. Please, Kid Flash, be my guest. If you can make this room look spotless in seconds, please go ahead and do it. We can't let your gift go to waste."

  Wally said,"Give me three seconds."

  In three seconds, my living room appeared to be spotless, but the cookies Wally had given me were gone.

  Wally held up his hands saying,"Don't hurt me! I'm sorry."

  I hugged his waist and said,"It's okay, Wally. I'm just glad you're here. I haven't seen you that much, since you've been on that new team that you're always telling me about."

  Wally kissed my forehead, before he said,"I'll come and see you more. I promise! Wait, do you want me to introduce you to them?"

  I smiled saying,"I'll hold you to that promise, KF, but I'd love for you to introduce me to the people that mean so much to you. But, I don't want to intrude on your superhero stuff. Do I have to wear something fancy?"

  Wally helped me up, and then he said,"You're fine the way you are, babe. Let's go!"

  Wally picked me up and ran me inside the beautiful place where he said his team should have currently been at. When Wally set me down on my two feet, I noticed four heroes I had never seen before. Robin, I knew from when Batman kept my father out of trouble years ago.

  Robin smiled at me and said,"So, this is the Y/N you were talking about?"

  Wally looked at Robin confused and asked him,"Do you two know each other?"

  I nodded saying,"We do. Good to see you, Robin, but Wally, Batman used to come by my parents' house many times to make sure my father was doing the right thing. Sometimes, Robin would be with Batman."

  Wally nodded, yet Wally motioned to the boy beside Robin saying,"Superboy, this is my lovely girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Superboy."

  I smiled at Superboy saying,"Nice to meet you, Superboy. I like your suit. It's simple, but it works for you."

  Superboy sent me a smile in return saying,"Thank you, Y/N."

  Wally then introduced me Kaldur or Kaldur'ahm and then M'gann.

  However, when Wally went to introduce me to the blonde-haired girl who stood off to the side, she said,"Don't bother. I don't care."

  Wally sighed, but Robin said to me,"Don't worry about her, Y/N. Artemis is just mad, because Wally is with you now instead of her."

  I nodded, before Wally let me stay a little longer to talk to Kaldur, Superboy, M'gann, and Robin.

  When Wally and I made it to my house, I said,"Thank you for introducing me to the team that you are a part of. It meant a lot to me."

  Wally kissed both of my hands and said,"No problem, Y/N! I should get back to the team. I love you."

  I said,"I love you, too, Wally."


  A couple of hours later, there was a knock on my front door. I saw that it was Artemis that was here to see me. I took a deep breath, and then I opened the door.

  She said,"Hi. You don't have to accept my apology, but I'm sorry. I should've been nicer to you. I may be a little upset that Wally doesn't want to be with me anymore, but that doesn't mean that we can't be friends."

  I thought about it and said,"You're right. I could use more friends in my life."

  Artemis smiled at me, before she said,"I'm not doing anything tomorrow. How about we meet up and hang out tomorrow?"

  "That sounds good, Artemis. What's your number?"

  Artemis and I exchanged phone numbers, and then she left. When Artemis and I hung out the next day, it was awkward for a while. And that was okay, because I knew that making friends took time and because we didn't start off on the right foot to begin with. However, it did make my day when Wally had Robin bring me several boxes of chocolate chip cookies the next day.

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