Tim Drake x Reader x Alex Summers

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Dedicated to Friendlove04

Up next: Conner Kent x Requested Reader Part 2

Later: Roy Harper x Requested Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I didn't know how to react to Alex Summers standing inside my living room. How did he even get here? How did he know where to find me? Scott!

  Alex chuckled and looked up from the photo in his hand asking me,"Y/N, are we good?"

  I cleared my throat and awkwardly held my phone saying,"Yeah, we're good. I just didn't see this taking place today. It's been two years since I've seen you, Alex."

  Alex asked me,"Y/N, are you all right?"

  I just nodded saying,"I'm all right. I'm just trying to process this, so what made you come here today?"

  Alex put down the photo and walked up to me saying,"You're going to want to sit down for this one, Y/N."

  I slowly sat down and tried not to make it look awkward.

  Alex stood in front of me and crossed his arms saying,"I don't know if there's a wrong way to say this, but I still love you. I know we agreed that it was better if we went our separate ways two years ago, but I've never really been able to settle for anyone else. I guess what I'm saying is, I want to be together again. What do you think about anything that I just said to you?"

  I wasn't expecting any of that, but I did say to Alex,"I think that I need time to think about this. My answer's not no, though, Alex. How much time do I have to think about this, Summers?"

  I stood to my feet.

  Alex held both of my hands and said to me,"Take as much time as you need to think about it. My number's still the same."

  I nodded and smiled at him saying,"Thank you, Summers, for not forcing me to give you an answer right now. My number's also the same."

  Alex dropped my hands and sent me a wink, before he walked out. I sat back down on the couch and rubbed my face. I really wasn't expecting Alex to show up here today, but there was a reason I didn't give Alex an answer already.
  Tim. I couldn't deny that I felt something for him, but I had to know if there was even the possibility that Tim loved me more than as a best friend. If Tim didn't feel that way about me, I'd know and that would be it. I wasn't about to make Tim do anything.

  As I went to close my front door, guess who showed up? Tim Drake.

  I hugged Tim and asked him,"What are you doing here?"

  Tim pulled away from the hug saying,"I just wanted to talk."

  I nodded and motioned inside saying,"Well, come inside. We can talk. Do you want anything to eat or drink?"

  Tim stepped inside and said,"Thank you, Y/N, but I'm good. I ate on the way here."

  Before I could make it to the couch, Tim said to me,"Y/N, I love you."

  I went ahead and sat down on the couch saying,"Tim, in what way do you mean that?"

  Tim decided to stand, just like Alex, and told me,"I mean that I love you. Y/N, I have feelings for you, and I'd like to take you out to dinner whenever you'd like to be taken out. I've been holding this in for a very long time and I even asked your father if it was all right if I stopped by and told you in person. I know that I'm not the most open person that you've ever known, but I'd like to try to tell you things that I haven't before and to be by your side."

  Honestly, Tim looked like he was about to throw up, but he didn't say anything after. He just looked at me, waiting for me to say something.

  I looked Tim in the eyes saying,"I appreciate you telling me how you feel about me. Can I think about this?"

  Tim nodded and said,"Sure. I'll go."

  I walked Tim to the front door and watched him leave. Ugh, why did I have to choose between two amazing men? Both of them were everything to me, but it wouldn't be fair if I just left them hanging. I had no choice but to choose one of them.


  I was going to be with Alex. Now, before you moved to stop reading this, I just needed you to hear me out. I didn't choose Tim, because Tim was no longer an option. He was no longer an option, because I wasn't his top choice.
  I knew I wasn't Tim's top choice, because he indirectly made that clear to me a few days ago. I knew that Tim loved me. I knew that he would never hurt me intentionally, but I couldn't settle for being with someone who could change their mind any minute for their top choice.

  If Tim needed me, I'd be there for him, but right now, I needed to get to Alex. I knew that I was his first choice. With the help of a close friend, I was able to get to Alex.

  Alex was fixing something, but I softly said,"Summers?"

  Alex turned around and walked over to me saying,"Y/N, shouldn't you be- Right. I can still wait, if you're still trying to decide. It's fine."

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and said,"I've made up my mind, Summers. It's you I want to be with. I'm still in love with you, too, by the way."

  Alex asked me,"Lunch on me?"

  I said,"That sounds...familiar."

  Alex smiled down at me saying,"You never turn down free food, Y/N. I remember everything. It's only been two years."




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