Damian Wayne x Sibling Reader

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Dedicated to reesescup1

Up next: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Later: Conner Kent x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Titus ran into my bedroom and pulled on my shirt sleeve.

  I said,"What are you up to, Titus? Why are you up so early in the morning? Wouldn't you rather be sleeping like everyone else right now?"

  Titus just looked up at me, before I chuckled saying,"You're so cute. Take me to whatever you want to show me."

  Titus ran down the hall and into Damian's bedroom. I was confused, but Titus stuck his head out of Damian's bedroom and barked at me. I rushed into Damian's bedroom, hearing Damian yelling from inside his bathroom.

  I knocked on the bathroom door and said,"Damian, I don't know if you woke Titus up or not, but you need to come apologize to him immediately. He deserves to be able to rest in peace without having to hear you yelling at your girlfriend at 6 in the morning."

  Damian opened the bathroom door and sighed saying,"I'm sorry, Titus. I'm sorry, Y/N."

  I picked up Titus and sat down on Damian's bed saying,"Damian, you didn't actually need to apologize to me. Titus, maybe, because he could've been asleep before you started all that yelling. I couldn't really understand what was going on within that whole conversation but care to let your twin sister in on what's going on exactly?"

  Damian sat down beside me saying,"I don't understand it, Y/N. I don't."

  I fixed Damian's shirt saying,"What don't you understand, Damian?"

  Damian looked over at Titus saying,"I don't understand how Scarlett thinks so little of me. I do everything for her. When she wishes for me to let her do things on her own, I do so. When she has no money for the things she wants to participate in, I do what I can to make sure she participates in those things. When she needs someone, I am there for her. But any time I want space of my own or I do not have enough money to give to Scarlett, she speaks about how disappointing I am as an individual and as a boyfriend of hers. I do not know what to think of myself, Y/N. Please help me."

  As much as I wanted to personally see Scarlett myself, my twin needed me right now. I couldn't waste any time letting him possibly think the worst of himself.

  I wiped Damian's tears saying,"Dami, you're incredible. You are. You're the best twin ever, but you're not a disappointment. You're not. You're an amazing boyfriend. You're an amazing sibling, too. You deserve to be in a good but healthy relationship, Damian, and Scarlett's not it. You've put too much time and effort into someone that can't even do the same for you. I know she's your first serious relationship, but it's time to consider letting her go. She's causing you more pain than anything else, but she's also using you. You don't need to keep giving her so much money for everything; especially if she doesn't seem too fond of what you two do together when you pay for whatever it may be. Damian, please don't allow other people to alter the way you think of yourself or the people that love you very much. Even if you do decide to stay with Scarlett, please have a real talk with her and tell her everything you just told me. It may be that she's just not aware of how she's truly making you feel. It could be a possibility, but do keep me updated on your relationship with her and how you're doing. I do care about how much stress you have to deal with."

  Damian nodded and asked me,"How long do I have to think about my relationship, Y/N?"

  I thought about it and said,"I'll give you a week. Even though I want to rip her apart, I'll give you a week."

  Damian noticed I was still holding Titus, but he said,"I may not need a week."

  I said,"Okay, but I'll still give you a week."

   2 DAYS LATER...

  Damian sat down beside me on my bed and said to me,"I ended things with Scarlett."

  I let out a sigh of relief saying,"Thank God. I mean, how are you doing?"

  Damian smiled at me saying,"I'm all right. Scarlett didn't take it so well, but I feel relieved. Is that a bad thing?"

  I shook my head saying,"No. It's not a bad thing, Damian. It's just something else to learn from, but don't you worry, though, Damian. I'm sure you'll have more experiences to help you figure out what a good relationship is to you."

  Damian hugged me saying,"Thank you, Y/N. I love you."

  I smiled and hugged him back saying,"I love you, too, Damian."



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