Superman x Reader x Batman Part 2

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Dedicated to LanaEsterSalazarVian

Up next: Jason Todd x Reader

Later: Batman x Wonder Woman

   Y/N'S POV

  God, it took me forever to get home. Not only did I have to wait for Bruce and Clark to leave, I had to wait to be picked up by my mother. I had my own car, but I needed a new one desperately. It's just that new cars weren't too affordable nowadays.
  Once my mother made sure that I had made it inside of my home safely, she pulled off. I sent her a text message thanking her for giving me a ride home, then I locked the front door back. I took off my shoes and put them beside the front door.

  I let out a sigh and walked into my kitchen. I opened my refrigerator to find something that I could possibly just warm up or fix from scratch, but I forgot that I was supposed to go grocery shopping today.
  I closed the refrigerator door back, then I grabbed my phone. I wanted to call Diana, but I didn't want to bother her again. I walked out of the kitchen and just sat down on the couch.

  Okay, what was I going to do? There was no guarantee that my car was going to make it to the grocery store, and it was already dark outside. If I broke down, I'd be by myself.
  Suddenly, there was a knock on my front door. I walked over to the front door. Diana sent me a message telling me that she was here. I opened the front door and let her in.

  Diana was holding several grocery bags in her hands. Diana didn't even say anything to me as she just walked into my kitchen and started putting the groceries up.

  I asked Diana,"How did you-"

  Diana said to me,"Clark. He heard you."

  I blushed but said to Diana,"Oh. Well, that's embarrassing. I was just a little hungry, Diana, that's all. I don't need all of this."

  Diana moved me out of the way and looked inside of my refrigerator.

  Diana said,"You need all of this, Y/N."

  I tried to argue with Diana, but she just ignored me. I followed Diana out to her car and she handed me a big box of food.

  She kissed my cheek and said,"I've got to go. I love you, Y/N. Eat all of that."

  I kissed Diana's cheek and said,"Okay. Bye, Diana. I love you, too. I'll eat all of it. I promise. Thank you."

  Diana smiled at me and nodded to me. Diana left, which left me to just go back into the house and eat the big box of food by myself. When I finished eating, I finished putting up the rest of the groceries.
  The second I went up the first stair to potentially go to bed, someone knocked on my front door. My money was on Bruce or Clark. It turned out to be Clark- well Superman.

  Superman asked me,"Have you eaten anything yet, Y/N?"

  I said,"I have. Diana just brought me something not too long ago. She also got me at least another two weeks worth of food, so I'm good."

  Superman smiled at me and said,"Good. Y/N, I'm sorry for listening to what you were saying. Hopefully, I didn't scare you."

  I held Superman's hand saying,"Don't apologize, Clark. Thank you for listening. Thank you. You didn't scare me. I promise. I just forget that you can hear what most people can't hear."

  Superman nodded and looked down at our hands.

  I looked down at our hands, too, as I said to Superman,"Clark, if I end up being with either one of you, I don't want you two to no longer want to be associated with one another because of me. You two have known each other for a very long time, right?"

  Superman said,"I have known Bruce for a very long time. I promise to continue to be there for him, even if you choose to be with Bruce."

  I said,"I should get some sleep. I have work in the morning."

  Superman kissed my forehead and flew off. I wasted no time getting into the bed.


  I leaned on my hand, jumping when someone squeezed my shoulder.

  I looked up at my best friend, Mercedes, and she asked me,"How did you get here?"

  I said,"I took the bus. My car wouldn't start."

  Mercedes asked me,"Why didn't you just ask me to come get you?"

  I admitted to Mercedes,"I didn't ask you because people are always having to help me with something. I just couldn't call you."

  Mercedes kicked my chair and said to me,"Just call me next time. Hey, Bruce Wayne is here to see you."

  I nodded, but I only smiled at Bruce as he approached my desk.

  Bruce said,"Hello, Y/N."

  I said,"Hello, Bruce."

  Bruce asked me,"May I give you something?"

  I noticed the dried up blood on Bruce's left hand, yet I said to him,"You may give me something."

  Bruce said,"Follow me. You're not going to get in trouble. Your boss already knows about this."

  I followed Bruce outside, dragging Mercedes outside with me. I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed the car with the gigantic red bow on top of it.

  I held onto Mercedes for support, yet she immediately asked Bruce,"Do you have one for me, too, somewhere around here?"

  I said,"Mercedes!"

  Bruce chuckled but looked at me as he said to me,"Y/N, I just wanted to give you this. I'm not expecting you to choose me. You don't have to do anything. I'm sorry if what happened between Clark and I the other day hurt you, but I promise to still do my best to look out for you."

  I smiled at Bruce and hugged him. Bruce hugged me back.

  Once I pulled away from the hug, Mercedes said to me,"If you don't want Bruce, I'll take him."

  Bruce chuckled but talked to me for a few minutes before he had someone move my car to a safer spot.

  Mercedes said,"We're taking your car when we get out of this place to have lunch in two hours."


  Okay, so Clark and Bruce both said that they would be all right if I chose the other. But did I trust that they weren't lying to me when they said that? I was still trying to figure that one out.
  Maybe this was just a situation that I could keep thinking about for as long as I needed to think about it. Clark and Bruce weren't going to pressure me about anything, so I could make the final decision when I was ready to make it.

  I wasn't lying yesterday when I said that I didn't want to be in a relationship right now. That I wanted to be alone, but I couldn't deny that I questioned that whenever I was with Bruce or Clark.

  Okay, I was officially confused...


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