Supergirl x Best Friend Reader

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Dedicated to TylerSmith23

Up next: Wonder Woman x Best Friend Reader

Later: The Riddler x Poison Ivy

WARNING: This Supergirl x Best Friend Reader and the Wonder Woman x Best Friend Reader will not be as sweet or as positive as my imagines usually are. I am warning you right now that these are not for you if you want something happy with an ending that will leave you smiling. I just wanted to put this out there, for those of you that always appreciate a warning beforehand. 

   Y/N'S POV

  All I could do was watch as Reign and Raven cornered Supergirl.

  I wasn't referring to the Raven we all knew and adored, by the way. This was a completely different Raven that somehow managed to form an alliance with a Worldkiller like Reign with a specific goal in mind.
  Reign and Raven wanted to kill Supergirl, make sure that she wasn't breathing by tomorrow morning. Thanks to how useless I was, I was afraid that their goal would be checked off their list well before tomorrow morning.

  Reign said,"You brought this on yourself, Supergirl. You made the wrong choice."

  Raven looked over at me and said,"Well, well, you must be the best friend, huh?"

  Kara said,"Don't you touch her! She isn't a part of this."

  Raven walked towards me and said to Kara,"Oh, she's a part of this. It's clear that you care for her, but why bring a human with you? She can't even help you. I mean, look at her. I'm disappointed, though, because I expected you to bring someone like Superman with you."

  Before I could answer, Raven kicked me in the stomach and pulled me up before she punched me across my face.

  Raven pulled my head back and I chuckled saying,"There are perks to being the best friend of Supergirl, you know? She taught me how to deal with anything, even pain. Also, I'm not human. If I was, I surely wouldn't be able to breathe right now. I thought villains were usually smart."

  Reign said to me,"She can't teach you everything. After all, you're only human. You're only capable of being taught so many things. I wouldn't sound so confident, given I could just kill you any second now."

  Supergirl struggled against Reign as Reign said to me,"If you didn't have so much to lose, Y/N, you wouldn't have been on this planet with Supergirl in the first place. You could have been at home, with your family. But instead, you're here supporting someone who can't even make the right decisions."

  I touched my face and looked Reign in the eyes as I said to her,"Once again, I'm not human, but you're right. I have so much to lose, but what sense would it make for me to stay home if I could've been here beside my best friend to be her best friend?"

  Raven chuckled and said,"I'm sorry. You're just so dumb, it hurts me. It sounds like you want to die with Supergirl, instead of being back on Earth with everyone else."

  I looked over at Kara before I said to Raven,"If you want to kill me, just do it. I'd rather be here with her."

  Kara said,"Y/N..."

  Reign dropped Kara and walked over to me. Raven kept Kara from trying to protect me, then Reign pulled me up to my feet. Reign smirked at me before she looked over at Kara.

  Reign said to me,"Let's see how much more she can take. I don't want to kill her just yet."

  I rushed toward Reign, but Reign grabbed my arm and threw me into a brick wall.

  Kara yelled,"Y/N!!"

  I struggled to get up, but I couldn't stay down. Kara needed me. Even if I kept getting hurt because of it, Kara needed me. I had trouble keeping my balance, but Raven laughed and grabbed Supergirl by her neck.
  I rushed towards Raven, just trying to get to Kara. Reign stopped me from getting to Kara, holding me back by my arms. She pulled them back just enough to cause me to scream, but I kept trying to get away from her.

  Reign kicked me in the back of my legs, causing me to fall down onto my knees. Reign finally let go of my arms and I fell forward. Then, Reign stepped on my left hand. I watched helplessly as my wedding ring broke into many pieces.
  Using my right hand, I pushed myself up and Reign rolled her eyes. When I heard Kara screaming, I looked over and saw Kara struggling to stand on her own. I also saw all of the tears and the blood now covering Kara's iconic suit.

  Kara and I made eye contact before she said,"Y/N, I-"

  Before Kara could finish, Reign quickly moved behind Kara and stuck a gigantic blade made of kryptonite through Kara's back. Before I could fully register what just happened, I watched as Kara's heart hit the ground. Reign pushed Kara forward before Raven moved behind me.

  I fought against Raven until something collided with the back of my head.


  I opened my eyes and realized that I was sitting up. When I remembered what I had involuntarily witnessed, I immediately looked around for Kara. However, I felt something heavy in my lap.
  I slowly looked down to see Kara in my lap. She was just still but seeing her heart some feet away was what caused me to cry uncontrollably. I fixed Kara's hair and held her in my arms until I was the one who had to take Kara back to Earth.

  I was the one who had to live without my best friend. I was the one who had to live knowing that I couldn't protect my best friend.


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