Roy Harper x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to whitehairedassassin

Up next: The Question x Reader

Later: Supergirl x Best Friend Reader


  After Roy and I finished eating dinner together inside the nicest restaurant around, Roy led me outside and asked me,"Where do you want to go next?"

  I looked around and said,"I don't know. Maybe we should just go home to make sure that our kids are all right?"

  Roy pulled me into his side and kissed my cheek saying,"Brook, the kids are fine. Dick and Barb are watching them. Barb promised to call if anything went wrong."

  I just nodded and admitted to Roy,"I just feel like a bad mother not being at home right now taking care of our kids. I mean, it's rare that we actually have date nights. What if our kids think that we don't want to spend time with them anymore?"

  Roy chuckled and rubbed my arm saying,"Brook, you're thinking about this too much. You're a great mother. Our kids know that. I know that. I know it's rare that we have date nights like this, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't have them at all. Having kids won't change the fact that we need to get out sometimes and do stuff together. And about our kids, they know how much we love them. They know that we'd never abandon them. I'm sure they're at home just driving Barb and Dick crazy."

  I sighed and hugged Roy's waist saying,"I'm sorry. You're right. I am a great mother, and I do miss having date nights like this. I'm sure our kids are having a great time."

  Roy kissed my cheek again and said to me,"It's okay, Brooklyn. Let's just enjoy this. So, where do you want to go now?"

  I asked him,"Would it be okay if we just found a place to sit in front of the water over there?"

  Roy said,"Whatever you wanna do, Brooklyn, is fine with me."

  Roy let me choose what I believed to be the best spot and sat down on the bench beside me.

  I asked Roy,"Have you been having a good time tonight, Harper?"

  Roy looked away from me and over at another couple nearby saying,"I've been having a good time. I can't tell if you've been having a good time, though, Brooklyn."

  I made Roy look at me and asked him,"Why can't you tell if I've been having a good time or not?"

  Roy placed a kiss on the palm of my hand and looked me in the eyes saying,"I think you were worried about the kids the entire time we had dinner together. I could be wrong, but you just didn't seem too interested in holding conversation for too long."

  I hugged Roy and told him,"I was worried about the kids the whole time. I'm so sorry, Roy. I guess I've been ruining date night so far, but I'm sure there's more than enough time for us to make up for the time that was lost. Don't you think?"

  Roy hugged me back saying,"I think so, Brook. There's still many places open right now. We could go bowling or even try that new dessert place down the street. I wouldn't say you've been ruining date night, though."

  I stood to my feet and held out my hand saying,"I haven't made up my mind yet about what we can do, but we'll figure out. Let's just at least make our way back to the car, and then we'll see what we're feeling, yeah?"

  Roy put his hand in mine, and I helped him stand up.

  Roy and I walked back to the car, before Roy said,"Let's go bowling, Brooklyn. Then, we can try the dessert place. Is that all right with you?"

  I nodded saying,"Whatever you wanna do, Harper, is fine with me."

  When Roy realized what I said to him, he winked at me saying,"I see what you did, Brooklyn. You said what I told you earlier. That's very cute, very cute."



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