Killer Frost x Reader

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Dedicated to Dragonboy86

Up next: Oliver Queen x Reader

Later: Firestorm x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I looked down at my hands, before Killer Frost took a seat beside me.

  She said,"There's really no point in you beating yourself up about what happened back there. You did your best, and you talked some sense into Batman."

  I brought my attention back to my hands as I said,"I owed Batman for saving my life from Killer Croc a couple of months ago."

  Killer Frost placed her hands over my own as she softly said to me,"Y/N, I can take care of your hand."

  I nodded and sent her a weak smile saying,"Thanks. Anything to make the pain go away."

  Killer Frost smiled back at me, before she used her powers to seal the wounds on my hands. 
  Harley ran over and rested her elbow on my shoulder as she asked me and Killer Frost,"What's going on over here?"

  Killer Frost said,"Nothing, Harley."

  Harley pouted, and I said,"Frost just took care of my hand, and she encouraged me to keep moving forward. That's what you missed, Harls."

  Harley smiled and kissed my cheek saying,"I can always count on ya, Y/N! Thanks for catching me up!"

  I nodded to Harley, and then she walked over to Floyd.

  I looked over at Killer Frost, and I said,"How come you're still sitting here?"

  Killer Frost leaned on my shoulder and said,"I'd rather not talk to the rest of these idiots."

  I chuckled saying,"I can understand that. It is getting pretty boring in here. Maybe we should go find Batman and see if there's anything we can do out there."

  Killer Frost replied,"Sounds good to me."

  Killer Frost and I both got up, before we headed for the door.

  Harley ran up to us and asked,"Where are you two goin'?"

  Killer Frost fixed her hair and smirked saying,"To go find Batman and see if there's anything we can do."

  Harley squealed yelling,"LET'S GO!"

  I smiled over at Killer Frost, before Harley, Killer Frost, and I left the boys behind.

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