Superman x Reader x Batman

778 31 4

Dedicated to DreamyKawaii

Up next: Roy Harper x Sibling Reader Part 1

Later: Roy Harper x Sibling Reader Part 2

   Y/N'S POV

  I didn't know whether to be honored or frightened that Batman and Superman were fighting over me. No, they weren't arguing over me. They were physically fighting each other.
  Sadly, I couldn't tell you about the conversations between them that had possibly led to them fighting not too far away from me, but I could tell you that I wasn't about to throw myself in the middle of their fight.

  I called Diana, praying that her phone was near her at this very moment.

  Diana answered a few seconds later, causing me to immediately yell into the phone,"BRUCE AND CLARK ARE FIGHTING OVER ME!"

  Diana sighed over the phone and said,"Y/N, now is not the time for this. I am very busy."

  I said,"Diana, I'm serious! Bruce and Clark are really fighting each other right now! I'm not about to get myself killed, so will you come separate the two of them for me?"

  Diana let out another sigh, before I said,"Diana, enough with the sighing. You couldn't possibly be doing anything important. You're probably doing nothing. Come on, help a woman out."

  Diana said,"I'm on my way. Stay where you are, Y/N."

  Before I could say something smart, Diana hung up and I watched as Batman went flying back into the building across from where I stood. Superman flew towards him, before Diana quickly kept Clark and Bruce from punching each other.

  Diana angrily said,"Enough! This is above the two of you! You shouldn't let anyone come between you! Y/N's not worth it!"

  I rolled my eyes, before Diana let go of Clark and Bruce.

  Clark said,"Thank you, Diana, but Bruce and I have something to handle."

  Bruce said,"Diana, you can go."

  Diana looked over at me; Bruce and Clark just now noticed I was here. How? I'm not sure. I just yelled not too long ago.

  Clark softly said,"Y/N..."

  Bruce said,"Y/N, I-"

  I shook my head saying,"No. Let me talk. As much as I love you both, this can't last any longer than it already has. You two are Batman and Superman for God's sake! Why are you fighting over me? You two could've been- No, you two shouldn't be fighting because of anyone! I don't know why Diana didn't say anything."

  Diana looked like she wanted to throw me into a few buildings, but I looked at both Clark and Bruce saying,"I don't want to see you two fighting again. I understand that you both want to be with me, but neither one of you asked me what I wanted. I don't even want to be in a relationship right now. I'm sorry if I ever made it seem that way to both of you, but what I want is to be alone until I'm ready for another relationship.  Please don't fight each other because of me. It's not worth the effort."

  Bruce and Clark looked at each other, before Clark said to me,"If you want to be alone, I can respect that. But if you do need me, I'll be there."

  Bruce said to me,"We won't fight again, Y/N. You have my word. I'm sorry I didn't ask you what you wanted, but I'll still do my best to protect you. And if you need me, I'll be there, too."

  I smiled at both of them saying,"Thank you for understanding. I hope I won't lose you two or catch you fighting again. Maybe a small part of me was honored, but it was only a small part. No more fighting, really. I mean it. Yes?"

  Bruce and Clark nodded, then Diana said,"I must go."

  Diana left, leaving me with Bruce and Clark.

  Bruce asked me,"Do you need a ride home?"

  Clark immediately looked at me, before I chuckled saying,"This is going to be a long night. Bruce, why would you ask that?"


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