Leonard Snart x Reader

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Dedicated to batboys_glee_fan

Up next: Teen Titans Robin x Reader

Later: Clark Kent x Reader x Steve Rogers

Hey, everyone! How are you guys doing? I hope all of you are doing well, and I will do my best to update more parts of this book, since many of you could use it at this point! This is a very stressful time, and we all need things that bring us joy!

   Y/N'S POV

  I rolled my eyes and leaned on my hand as I asked Leonard,"Don't you have something better to do with your time?"

  Leonard turned to look at me and said,"Y/N, you know you're very annoying. Shouldn't you be with Flash?"

  "Thanks, Leonard. I know I'm annoying, so you're telling me something I already know. Barry's busy right now helping Green Arrow."

  I wasn't aware if Leonard knew that Oliver was the Green Arrow, so I just called Oliver by his superhero name. Leonard turned away from me and went back to playing with whatever was in his hand right now.

  "Y/N, you're not annoying, my love. I'm only kidding. But, you are supposed to be in bed. I didn't forget that."

  I fixed my shirt and said,"I know, Leonard, but I wanted to see what you were doing. Plus, I'm fine. The pain's gone."

  The second I stood to my feet, I could literally feel the pain throughout my body. I fell, and Leonard rushed over to me.

  He picked me up, and I weakly said,"I..I'm fine, Snart."

  "No, you're not. Don't get back out of bed."

  "Fine. I won't."

  Leonard helped me lie down, and then he motioned over to my phone saying,"If you need something, call me. Do not get out of this bed."

  I pulled him close and said,"Okay. Okay. I already said I won't get up. I love you."

  Leonard stroked my cheek saying,"And I love you. I mean it, Y/N. Don't get up. Don't follow me."

  He kissed my forehead, before he left out of my bedroom. I turned on the t.v. and looked at random shows for a while. Until, Leonard walked into my bedroom a couple of hours later.

  He just turned off the t.v. and I said,"Hey! Turn it back on."

  Leonard just picked me up and carried me to where we were not too long ago. I wanted to cry at the sight before me. Leonard carried me over to the chair and sat me down in it.
  Then, he put the tiara over my head and handed me the large bouquet of flowers. I laughed when Leonard made faces at me, before he smiled at me.

  He rested his hands on my lap saying,"You are an amazing person, and you have saved my life several times. I know that things have been hard for you after what Savitar took from you, but you'll always have me. There's something I've wanted to do for a while now."

  Leonard got down on one knee and asked me,"Y/N M/N L/N, will you marry me?"

  "Yes, Leonard Snart, I will marry you!!"

  Leonard put the ring on my finger, and then he hugged me.

  I said,"Thanks for choosing me, Snart."

  "There's no one else that I'd ask, Y/N."

  "This ring is gorgeous."

  "Barry helped me pick it out."

  "Maybe I should have married him then."

  "Y/N, I don't find that amusing."

  "Sorry. I thought it was funny." 


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