Barry Allen x Reader

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Up next: Superman x Reader

Later: Dracula x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Yes, I'm an adult, but I just didn't want to be at home by myself right now. I wanted to be here at The Central City Police Department with my husband, Barry Allen, as he probably worked on something that I knew absolutely nothing about.

  Barry pulled out a chair for me, and I said to him as I sat down in the chair,"Thank you, Bar. I'm sorry that I didn't call first, but I'll stay quiet, though. I promise."

  Barry rested his hands on the arms of the chair and pecked my lips saying,"I don't want you to stay quiet, Mrs. Allen. I want you to talk to me."

  I smiled at Barry and nodded saying,"Okay, I will."

  Barry sat down in his chair, and then he just looked up at me.

  I asked him,"Do you want me to leave?"

  Barry shook his head and said,"No, of course not. You just got here. I just looked at you because you're not talking to me."

  I asked Barry,"What do you want me to talk to you about, Barry Allen?"

  Barry shrugged and looked down saying,"I don't know. Anything that you can think of, Mrs. Allen."

  I admitted to Barry,"I felt really lonely at home, so I just wanted to come here to sit with you for a little bit."

  Barry looked up at me and smiled at me saying,"I'm glad that you came, Mrs. Allen."

  I looked around Barry's lab, and he asked me,"Anything else, Mrs. Allen?"

  I shook my head and said,"Nope. That's it."

  Barry sent me a look, and I said,"What? I'm serious. That's it. I promise."

  Barry got up from his chair and walked up to the chair I was sitting in.

  Then, Barry crouched down in front of the chair and asked me,"Are you ready for tomorrow?"

  I held both of Barry's hands and admitted to him,"I'm not sure. I'm excited, but I'm also a little nervous at the same time. Is it bad that I'm a little nervous to see my father tomorrow?"

  Barry laughed and shook his head saying,"No. I was a little nervous, too, when my father became a free man and I was able to actually hug him for the first time in a very long time. It'll go great, though, Mrs. Allen. Besides, your father's always been really happy to see you, even if it's just for a few minutes."

  I chuckled and said,"He's always been so happy to see me, Barry Allen, because I've always been his biggest fan. He knows that. Well, I hope that he knows that."

  Barry just smiled at me for a minute, then he squeezed my hands saying,"I'm sure that he knows that, Mrs. Allen. You don't need to worry about that, but you won't be able to forget tomorrow. You won't."

  I asked Barry,"How do you know that?"

  Barry said,"I just know, Mrs. Allen. I just need to finish what I was working on, and then we can go home."

  I gave Barry so many kisses, before he stood to his feet and walked back over to his desk.

  He sat down in his chair and before he could look up at me again, I said to him,"I've been looking for an apartment or an affordable house for my father to stay in in Central City, but I haven't been able to find anything. Would you be all right with my father possibly staying with us for a while, just until I'm able to find somewhere else for him to stay?"

  Barry said to me,"I can help you find something, Mrs. Allen, but that's all right with me. Your father's very important to me, too."

  I rushed over to Barry and hugged him tightly saying,"Thank you so much, Bar. Thank you."

  Barry kissed my cheek and said,"You're welcome."


  I couldn't believe it. I was in the same car as my father, and I didn't have to wait to talk to him anymore. I could just talk to him for the entire car ride if I wanted to. This was amazing!

  My father nudged me and asked me,"What are you smiling about? Barry?"

  I blushed and said,"No, I'm not smiling about Barry. Barry's cute, but I'm smiling because you're here! You're actually here!"

  My father smiled at me and pulled me in for a side hug saying,"I am here. Thank you for getting me out of that... place, N/N."

  I shook my head saying,"I didn't get you out. That was all Mr. Barry Allen up there."

  My father leaned forward and rested his hand on Barry's shoulder saying,"Thank you, Barry. Thank you. I owe you."

  Barry said,"No problem, Mr. L/N. You don't owe me anything. Are you hungry?"

  My father shook his head and said,"I'm not hungry. You can just drop me off at-"

  I hugged my father's waist and said,"Will you please just eat with us? I know that you're hungry."

  My father kissed my forehead and nodded saying,"All right. I'm hungry."

  I smiled and sat up in my seat.

  I looked out of the window, but my father decided to ask me,"N/N, where's your mother?"

  I looked at Barry through the mirror, but then I looked over at my father as I said to him,"Dad, we don't know where she is. She kind of made sure that no one could find her after she framed you. You do remember that she's the reason why all of this happened to you, right?"

  My father said to me,"I want to see her, N/N."

  I sighed but asked my father,"Why would you want to see her?"

  My father held my hand and said to me,"There are just some things that I would like to say to her, that's all. You won't lose me again, N/N."

  I asked Barry,"Do you know someone that could possibly find my mother for my father?"

  Barry said,"I might know someone."

  My father dropped my hand, yet I told him,"If Barry ends up finding my mother or if someone helps him find my mother, just know that I'm coming with you to see her."

  My father chuckled and said,"I know that you wouldn't let me go by myself, N/N."


  I made sure that my father was good, before I walked up to Barry and I's bedroom and sat down on the bed next to Barry.

  Barry wrapped an arm around me and asked me,"Is your father still downstairs, and why did you leave the door wide open?"

  I laughed and nodded saying,"He's still downstairs. I don't think that he'd try to escape, though. Not tonight, at least. He's really tired. To answer your other question, though, I left the door open in case my father screams for help or something."

  Barry pulled me down with him, and I asked Barry,"How were you able to get my father out of prison?"

  Barry shrugged and said,"I don't know."

  I placed kissed on his chest and said to him,"You know, but I'll let you have your secrets."

  Barry said,"I love you, Mrs. Allen."

  I said,"I love you, too, Barry Allen."


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