Bat-Family x Mother Reader

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Dedicated to Blarese

Up next: Jason Todd x Reader

Later: Tim Drake x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Lately, I've just been getting the feeling that Bruce wasn't feeling it with me anymore. I think that was why he hadn't said anything to me yet, because he was too sweet towards me to say it out loud. I knew if it was up to him, he would just continue on with this relationship as long as he could manage, even if he wasn't truly happy with me. I just couldn't really see if he really wanted me anymore or if he was just doing it because he didn't want to hurt me. So, I made the choice for him and I broke things off between us as politely as possible. Bruce seemed really confused, but I knew he was just trying to look that way in front of me.

  I felt like I hadn't been at home in a long time, yet it didn't take that long for me to get comfortable. This was my home after all or was it at Wayne Manor? I sighed and blocked any negative thoughts out of my head before I fixed myself some coffee. Before I could grab my hot coffee cup by the handle, I screamed at someone breaking in through my window.

  When I saw who it was, I took a couple deep breaths and said,"Dick Grayson, why can't you boys just use the door? Please stop breaking my windows every time you are trying to get my attention. Just call me or knock on the door, please, baby."

  Nightwing frowned and I smiled saying,"What, son?"

  Nightwing said,"Can you please come back home?"

  I said,"Why? I like it here."

  Nightwing shook his head and grabbed my arm saying,"Mom, please come back home with me. I'm here to take you back. Bruce needs you. We all need you. Your home is at Wayne Manor with all of us."

  I yanked my arm away from Nightwing's hand and replied,"Dick, it's not that easy. I mean, I do love Bruce, but I just don't feel like he wants to put up with me anymore. He just seems distracted all the time. I know Bruce cares about me way too much to break up with me himself, so I did it for the two of us. You wasted your time coming here."

  Nightwing refused to leave, and then Damian, Jason, and Tim just happened to show up.

  When there was a knock on the door, I said,"Hold that thought, guys."

  I looked through the peephole and saw that he was here, too.

  I opened the door and said,"Al, don't tell me you put all of them up to this."

  Alfred just invited himself inside and I closed the door behind him. When I turned around, everyone was staring at me.

  Jason said,"Mom, if you don't come back home, I'm going to cry every single day until you come back."

  I chuckled and said,"Jase, you're not going to cry every day. You're just saying that to get me to come back and it..may be working a little."

  Jason smiled at me and Damian said,"I can cry, too, Mother, if you want. Drake can cry as well and Pennyworth and Grayson.. Well, Grayson already cries every day. I hear him in his room at night."

  Nightwing put up his hands and looked down.

  I walked up to him and lifted his chin saying," Is that true, Dick?"

  Nightwing nodded and said,"Yes, Mom. I do miss having you around, and you have always been there to help me. I need you to come back."

  I let go of his chin and looked at the boys and Alfred.

  Tim said,"Mom, I don't know what's been going through your head, but Bruce would never want to break up with you. He's just been-"

  Alfred immediately interrupted him saying,"Master Drake, no!"

  I became curious as to what Tim was going to say, but I decided to drop it. Then, the doorbell went off. Tim had a smirk on his face and I shook my head at him, before I saw who was here. I waited a couple seconds before I opened the door.

  Bruce said,"Y/N, I refuse to let stay away from me. I don't know why you broke up with me, but I have given you your space and I can no longer support this decision. That is why I am here now and asking for you to take me back. What do I have to do for you to be my girlfriend again? I'll do anything as long as you come back home."

  I looked back at the boys and Alfred before I looked back at Bruce. I just motioned for Bruce to come inside and he walked in to see everyone was here. Everyone except him.

  Bruce asked me,"What are they doing here?"

  I smiled saying,"Trying to get me to come back and to also convince me that you need me. And Bruce, I will take you back. You don't have to do anything. I'm sorry for just breaking up with you. I just felt like you weren't feeling me anymore. I knew you wouldn't end our relationship, so I did it myself. I'm sorry for hurting you."

  Bruce nodded saying,"I understand, Y/N, but please talk to me if you are ever feeling this way again. I can promise you that I was never interested in anyone else, and I only want to see you. I have always been committed to this relationship. I promise. How about we all go out to dinner as a family and talk?"

  I nodded saying,"I'd like that. I could talk to you about how I've been feeling right?"

  Bruce smiled saying,"Of course. I'll listen to everything you have to say. I don't want you to leave again."

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