Superman x Reader

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Up next: Damian Wayne x Reader

Later: Batman x Daughter Reader Part 2

   Y/N'S POV

  Don't freak out, Y/N, but you're going on a date with Superman. YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH SUPERMAN!!!

  I didn't know if it had been done before, but somehow I had won a date with Superman. I was very excited, yet this was also my first date.

  I'm going on my first date with Superman!!!!!

  My best friend walked me outside, and we both just looked up at the sky.

  Was he going to fly in or just casually drive here in an expensive car?

  My best friend, Melanie, looked over at me and said,"You should have chosen another outfit."

  Immediately, I looked down at my outfit and she laughed saying,"Y/N, I'm joking. He's Superman! I'm sure that he has more to worry about than your outfit."
  I didn't laugh, and Melanie held my hand saying,"Y/N, your outfit's amazing. He won't be able to turn away."

  Melanie just held my hand until Superman arrived.

  He nervously said,"Hi, Y/N. I'm Superman."


  I smiled at him saying,"Hi, Superman. I'm Y/N, but you know my name already. Are those flowers for me?"

  Superman nodded and handed the flowers to me.

  Superman asked me,"Are you ready to go?"

  Superman noticed Melanie, and Melanie sent me a smirk.

  He immediately said to her,"I'm sorry. I'm Superman."

  Melanie said,"Melanie. Don't drop my best friend."

  Superman said,"I won't."

  I waved to Melanie as Superman began to fly off. Before I knew it, I could see most of Metropolis.

  Superman asked me,"Are you from here?"

  I shook my head saying,"I'm from Coast City. I lost my job back at home and moved out here to Metropolis for a better one."

  Superman asked me,"Where do you work?"

  I smiled saying,"The Daily Planet. Where do you work? Oh, sorry! Don't ask about your secret identity."

  Superman laughed saying,"It's all right, Y/N."

  It grew very quiet, and it looked like we had arrived at the restaurant. Superman set me down to my two feet and held out my chair for me. I thanked him and sat down. Superman then sat down in his chair.

  I asked him,"Did you enjoy our conversation that we just had?"

  Superman nodded saying,"I did enjoy it. It was nice. Did you?"

  My smile grew, and I said,"I did. I would like to have more conversations like that. People don't normally like to talk to me. I don't have a lot of friends."

  Superman took my hand saying,"Y/N, don't worry about them. I enjoyed our conversation, but cherish the friends that you do have. You don't need a lot of friends, just the ones that will be there for you."

  I nodded saying,"Thanks, Superman. I'll remember that."

  Once Superman and I were served both our drinks and meals, the date eventually came to an end.

  I said to Superman,"This was my first date. I know that we're not together, but I really enjoyed this. I did, and thank you for being my first date."

  Superman placed a kiss on my hand saying,"This was the best date I've ever been on, Y/N, and I'd do it again if you allowed me to?"

  Was this real?

  I just hugged Superman saying,"Of course I want to go on more dates with you."

  Superman took me home, and Melanie casually sat on my porch.

  When she noticed Superman holding me, she smiled saying,"I take it it went well?"

  Superman looked down at me saying,"It went well, Melanie, it did."

  Superman kissed my cheek twice before he flew off.

  Melanie said,"God, where can I get that?"

  I replied,"I don't know. Maybe you'll get your date with Flash one day."

  "Yeah, sure I will. What are the odds of that?"

  "Well, I just got back from a date with Superman."

  Melanie just smiled before I said,"You'll get your date, Melanie. You will."

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