Nate Heywood x Reader

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Dedicated to Dc_Ouat_Glee

Up next: Jason Todd x Reader x Bucky Barnes

Later: Bruce Wayne x Reader x Tony Stark

   Y/N'S POV

  As I sat in my brother's, Oliver Queen's, chair, I found enjoyment in pretending like I was taking on a group of assassins. Oliver laughed, but he chose not to make fun of me. However, there was something on my mind. Someone on my mind.

  I said,"Ollie?"

  Oliver looked over at me and stopped writing before he said,"Yes, N/N?"

  I looked down at my scars before I asked Oliver,"Do you think Nate's going to come see me anymore?"

  Oliver nodded saying,"He'll show up, Y/N. If he doesn't, I'll find him and talk to him. Okay?"

  I nodded and replied,"Okay. I'm lucky to have you as my brother, Oliver. Um, are you okay?"

  I got up and sat down beside Oliver. Oliver brushed off the dirt on my shoulder, before he wrapped an arm around me.

  He said,"I'm fine, Y/N. I just need you to stay focused on helping me make things better for this city."

  "Aww. What's going on here?"

  Nate stood at the doorway with his hands in his pockets. Nate jogged over to me and pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed back and held onto his jacket. Nate quickly pulled away from the kiss when Oliver sent him a glare.

  Nate drew his attention back to me saying,"I'm sorry it took me so long, but I'm here. You okay?"

  I admitted to Nate,"I didn't know if you'd show. I didn't know if you'd come to see me anymore."

  Nate looked over at Oliver, before Oliver said,"I'm not letting Y/N out of my sight."

  I said,"Oliver, please."

  Oliver nodded and left out of his own office. Nate and I both took a seat on the couch.

  Nate pulled me into his arms and asked me,"Why did you think that I wouldn't come to see you anymore?"

  "We spend a lot of time apart from one another, and I just get scared that you'll get back together with Zari. You two were cute together."

  Nate ran his hand down my arm as he said to me,"Don't be scared, Y/N. I don't want to get back together with Zari. I really love you, and I'm going to do my best to come and see you more."

  "You're not just saying those things to make me feel better for just a couple of days, right?"

  "I've meant everything that I've said to you. Just trust me."


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