The Question x Reader

524 13 3

Dedicated to JoshMC2000sev

Up next: Rose Wilson x Reader

Later: Barry Allen x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I hadn't seen Q in days, but this wasn't new to me. Yet I wondered why this time had been affecting me so much more than the previous times. Why was it so hard for me to just pick up the phone and call Q? Why couldn't I just try doing that?
  I leaned back on the sofa and looked down at my badge, which was lying on the ground. I let out a sigh and picked it up before I put it away. Maybe I should just take a day and see what happens. If Q really needed me, he'd call me or find some way to reach out to me.

  I just had to trust that everything was okay.

  As I sat up straight, I realized that I had never really taken a day for myself. Because of this, I didn't really know what to do. I looked around, before my eyes fell on the blank canvas sitting on my desk.
  I stood to my feet and walked over to the blank canvas, before I picked it up. I looked at it, yet I quickly put it back down. I wasn't an artist. What was I thinking? But what if I gave it a shot? It couldn't hurt, could it?

  I picked the canvas back up and brought it into the living room. I quickly found the materials needed for this task, then I sat back down. As I moved to attempt to make art, there was a knock on the front door.
  It was 10 at night. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I quickly grabbed my weapon and headed for the front door. When I heard Q's voice, I immediately put my weapon on my right hip and opened the front door.

  Q had his hands in his pockets and said to me,"Y/N, I love you."

  I asked him, probably sounding a little angry,"Where have you been?"

  For some reason, my hand moved back onto my weapon, as if I were getting ready to try to protect myself from something. Maybe someone.

  Q remained where he was and answered,"I've been...busy, Y/N."

  Was I going to take that answer? No, of course not.

  I said,"Busy doing what? I need more details, Q. I need more details. Normally, I let you get away with being gone for days at a time and then showing up when you want to show up, but bothers me. This time more than any of the other times."

  Then, it just hit me that it was freezing outside. I don't know why it was just now hitting me, but maybe because I just wasn't paying any attention to it.
  I let Q inside and he sat down on the sofa. I closed the door and locked it, yet I quickly turned to face him. I had to make sure he was still there.

  Q said,"Y/N, sit down."

  I sat down beside him and he intertwined his fingers with mine.

  I leaned on his shoulder and said,"I just want to know if there's something going that I can help you with or help you get through. I know that you're used to doing things on your own, but we're a couple and I want to help you whenever you may need my help."

  Q just said,"Y/N, I'm fine."

  He squeezed my hand and I asked him,"Then why have you disappeared for days at a time several times already? Is it something I'm doing that's causing you to want to be apart from me?"

  Q immediately said,"Y/N, it's nothing that you've done that's causing me to not be here. I've been trying to find out more about myself. More about my identity before this, but I've had complications."

  I thought about Q's response and I knew that he wouldn't lie to me. However, I did think about his response. It never occurred to me that I only knew him as Q or The Question, but not his real name. Honestly, I really wanted to help him on this.

  I placed a kiss on his hand and said,"What if I help you out with this? I mean, Q, this is a big deal. But it's not something that will be easy. You'll need all the help you can get it and I'm offering my help to you. I really want to help you learn more about yourself. I can tell this is important to you if you're still looking into it."

  Q nodded saying,"I'd appreciate your help, Y/N. Thank you. I'm sorry that I keep disappearing. It won't happen any longer. From now on, I'll try to communicate with you more about what I'm doing."

  I smiled really big and fixed his hat saying,"You're welcome, Q. I forgive you. But know that I'll be counting on you to stick to your word. I would also be very grateful if you did your best to keep up communication with me about what you're trying to do."

  Before Q could stand to his feet, I gently pulled him back down and hugged him.

  I mumbled,"Sorry. By the way, I love you too."

  Q returned the hug. My eyes fell on the blank canvas that I still hadn't done anything with.

  I said,"Q, are you busy?"

  He shook his head and I got up. I grabbed the blank canvas sitting beside Q and I, then I sat back down beside him.

  He asked me,"What are you going to do?"

  I said,"What are we going to do is the real question, Q. We're doing this together. Any ideas?"

  Q said,"I have a few ideas."

  I chuckled and said,"Do share, Q."

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