Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Dedicated to reesescup1

Up next: Conner Kent x Reader

Later: Jonathan Crane x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I rested my hand on Bruce's arm and watched as his wounds closed up and quickly disappeared. I felt a little dizzy after using my powers for the fifth time today, but I was just glad I had a little strength left within me to take care of Bruce.
  Bruce moved his arm around and said,"Thank you, Y/N. Are you all right?"

  I nodded saying,"I'm all right. I just need some sleep, Bruce. I promise. So, you're going to stay off your feet, right, and try to get some sleep, too, yes?"

  Alfred said,"Master Bruce will not stay off his feet nor will Master Bruce try to get the proper amount of sleep as he should. He refuses to do what he is told."

  I looked over at Bruce saying,"You're going to make Alfred lose it one day. You better start taking care of yourself, Bruce Wayne."

  Bruce said,"All right, Al, I'll stay off my feet and get some sleep."

  Alfred was trying not to smile, but he walked towards the kitchen saying,"I don't believe you, Master Bruce."

  Bruce asked me,"Are you coming?"

  I said,"Not right now. I'm going to talk to Alfred."

  Bruce gave me a kiss, before he quickly made his way up to our bedroom. I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table.

  I softly said to Alfred,"Al, I understand that Bruce can be very stubborn and that he's always been your priority, but it's okay to take care of yourself as well. The good thing about Bruce and I being married is that you have someone else that can talk him into taking care of himself. I know I'm not you, Alfred, but I can handle Bruce. I can. You do your best to get some sleep in and to stay off your feet, okay? I'll handle everything that needs to be done within this Manor, including making sure that Bruce is keeping his head on straight. You can trust me, Alfred. Just trust me."

  Alfred smiled and said to me,"Why, thank you, Mrs. Wayne. I could use a break. I'll still ask if you should need my help on anything, but it would be quite lovely to have someone else do what I do every day."

  I smiled back at Alfred, before he headed up to bed. I made sure everything was cleaned up, then I walked up to Bruce and I's bedroom. I expected Bruce to be fast asleep, but he was still awake. My guess was he was thinking about something, given the face he was making.

  I immediately placed myself beside him and tapped his shoulder.
  Bruce looked down at me and rested his forehead against my forehead.

  I closed my eyes saying,"You know, Alfred didn't mean any harm when he said what he said to you? He just wants you to take care of yourself. I want you to take care of yourself."

  Bruce rubbed my arm saying,"I know, Y/N. Alfred always means well. Always. I'll try to take care of myself more."

  I opened my eyes and stroked his cheek saying,"No. You will take care of yourself more. No one within Wayne Manor can afford to lose you, so we're going to start trying to figure out ways to get you to take better care of yourself. Bruce, this is serious. You can't keep putting this at the bottom of your list. Everyone has to take care of themselves."

  Bruce closed his eyes and said to me,"Y/N, I don't even know where to begin. This won't be easy for me."

  I said,"It's okay if you don't know where to begin, because you have many people in your life that can help you out along the way. It may not be easy for you, but your family will do everything they can to make it as easy as they possibly can make it for you. I'll make sure of that."

  Bruce opened his eyes and cupped my face saying,"You won't leave me?"

  I rubbed his arms saying,"I won't leave you, Bruce. I promise. Now, how about we both try to get some sleep?"

  Bruce pulled me into his arms and asked me,"Do you need more cover?"

  I said,"Yes, I do need more cover."

  Bruce made sure I had enough, before he rested his chin on top of my head.

  I chuckled saying,"I don't know why you like doing that so much, but you better hope that I don't jump up or anything."

  Bruce kissed my cheek saying,"I like doing it, because I can see over your head."

  I rolled my eyes, then I said to Bruce,"Okay, Bruce, enough talking. Good night."

  Bruce said,"Good night, Y/N."


  When Bruce's alarm went off, Bruce immediately woke up, but he still looked exhausted.

  I said,"Bruce, do you want to get up now or do you think you need some more rest?"

  Bruce just pulled me back underneath him and quickly fell asleep again.

  I smiled saying,"More rest it is, then."

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