Superman x Reader

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Up next: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Later: Killer Frost x Reader

Hey, guys, good news: I made two new DC books. Both are books about my OCs that I'm excited to share with you. The first one is called Missed Target. It's an Oliver Queen one. The other is called What Do I Want?. It's a Dick Grayson one. Don't worry. I have way more OCs on the way.

   Y/N'S POV

  When I woke up, I immediately put the covers over my head. It was too bright in my bedroom, and I needed less light more darkness. I slowly moved the covers back and sat up. It had been so long since I had been in this room or really this house, but because I had lost my sister and my parents here.

  However, I wondered who brought me here. I would have never passed the neighborhood sign, let alone be here on my own.


  Superman stood at my bedroom door, and he said,"I didn't know where else to take you. I'm sorry for not asking for your permission."

  Oh Superman, so cute...

  I rubbed my neck and replied,"It's fine, Kent. I'm just glad you rescued me."

  Superman said,"Kent? Superman's my-"

  I got off the bed and walked up to Superman saying,"Clark, don't you dare lie to me. While I was being experimented on, they told me everything. And I believe everything they said, because it makes perfect sense. Why not tell me?"

  Superman sighed,"I've wanted to tell you many times, Y/N, but I always decided not to. It was because you tend to tell everything when you're under pressure."

  I pouted and said,"I do not. Okay, maybe I do, but you're Superman. I know how terrible it would be if I told someone who you were."

  Superman said to me,"You told Zoom that Barry was Flash and then your mother."

  "Okay, Kent. I see what you're doing, but you're not going to hold my mistakes against me. I've changed since then."

  Superman chuckled and said,"Okay. We'll see if you can keep my identity to yourself."

  I said, curious about the answer,"What happens if I end up telling someone, not a villain or my mother?"

  Superman looked away from me, before he looked back at me saying,"I won't kiss you again for another two months."

  Two whole months...

  I said,"But we could still cuddle right?"

  Superman said,"No. No cuddling."

  No kisses. No cuddling. What was Clark thinking?

  "Fine. You're on, Superman."

  Superman nodded and gave me a couple of kisses, before he said,"I have to go see my mother. I'll be back tomorrow morning to take you to work."

  I smiled and said,"Okay. Don't fly into anything, and I love you."

  Superman returned my smile and replied,"I love you more, Y/N. Good night."

  Superman left, and I wasn't really tired. Yet, I realized my powers were acting up. Those doctors had done something to me, but I didn't know what. Maybe my powers would be back to normal by morning, or I would discover I had a new ability. Either way, I just hoped I wouldn't wake up in the morning and not be in control of my own actions.
  After I just thought of all the possibilities of what was up with me, I fell asleep. I was woken up by Superman. I quickly got ready for work, and then he gave me a ride to work. I also worked at The Daily Planet.

  Once Superman set me down, he said,"Don't get into any fights and remember what we talked about last night."

  I nodded and said,"Your secret's safe with me, Superman."

  Superman gave me a quick kiss before he flew off. The second I made it to my desk, Jimmy started talking to me about Superman.

  Y/N, don't break.

  Jimmy asked me,"Y/N, do you know who Superman is?"

  I said,"Nope, no idea. Why would I know?"

  Lois cut in saying,"You spend a lot of time with him, Y/N. And if anyone is going to tell a secret, it's you, Y/N."

  I bit my tongue, and Jimmy said,"Y/N said she doesn't know, Lois. I already asked her."

  Clark passed by, but I knew he could hear our conversation.

  I pretended to be really interested in the article in front of me, and Lois said,"Spill it, Y/N. You know."

  Stay strong, Y/N. Stay strong...

  I stopped biting my tongue and said to Lois and Jimmy,"I don't know who he is. Superman probably knows I can't keep a secret, so why would he tell me? Will you guys please let me finish this?"

  Lois shook her head and walked away. Jimmy sent me a smile and walked back to his desk. Clark walked up behind me, and I leaned my head back against my chair, turning my chair around to face Clark.

  Clark leaned down and rested his forehead against my own as I said,"I didn't tell them, Clark. Are you proud?"

  Clark smiled at me and said,"I'm very proud of you. You're off to a good start."

  "I won't let you down, Clark."

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