The Riddler (Arkhamverse) x Reader

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Dedicated to Wolfsrahne

Up next: Wally West x Reader

Later: Jon Kent x Requested Reader

Hey, everyone, keep an eye out for the upcoming chapters or parts. Most likely in the Wally West x Reader, I will finally be sharing my personal social media account or accounts that will have a connection to my books! I'm very excited for this big step that I'm taking! And when I say the account or accounts have a connection to my books, I mean that it will fill you guys in on when I'm updating a book, when I'm working on adding another new book, or even when I'll have something open so you guys can ask me questions and I can answer them. I'm kind of nervous, but I'm also excited to possibly make you guys feel like you have more of a connection with me.


  Y/N, she was a puzzle. A puzzle I needed to solve! A puzzle that I was running out of time to solve! It was only a matter of time before some hero swooped in and ruined my chances with Y/N. I was confused as to whether she was a hero or someone like me, but that wasn't what was important at this very moment. What was important was to figure out if Y/N was interested in possibly joining me for dinner one cold evening, and who knew better to speak to than Batman.

   Y/N'S POV

  "Bruce, be honest. Would you date me, if you were interested in me?"

  Batman didn't bother to look back at me as he said,"No, I wouldn't date you. You talk too much."

  I said,"Bruce, that's so mean. I was going to say that I'd date you, if you were interested in me. And for your information, I do not talk too much. I-I do talk too much, don't I?"

  Batman finally looked back at me and said,"Y/N, you do not talk too much. And yes, I would be with you if I were interested in you."

  I put my hand over my heart, and Batman walked up to me.

  He said,"I'm not interested in you, and I know you were only trying to make conversation with me, but it looks like someone wants your attention."

  I looked at Batman in confusion asking him,"Who wants my attention?"

  Batman hugged me, before he said,"Nygma wants your attention. He left me a riddle. You're the answer, but he only wants to see and talk to me first. Stay here. I'll give you the signal if I need you."

  I said,"Okay. Be careful."

  Batman nodded to me, and then he jumped off the edge and glided towards Edward's hideout. So, Nygma wanted my attention? Was the feeling mutual? Of course not...but Edward and I could be cute together. Not only was Nygma attractive to me because of the knowledge he possessed, he was also attractive to me in that he craved my attention so badly that he was willing to chance getting sent back to Gotham in order to get my attention.

  I had to know what Batman and Nygma were talking about, but Batman told me to stay here. And normally when I didn't stay put like I was supposed to, something terrible always followed close behind. 

  I decided to stay put, until Batman appeared beside me and I said,"Bruce, don't keep me waiting. What did Nygma say?"

  Batman said,"I'm not going to tell you."

  I rolled my eyes and said,"Bruce, please tell me."

  Batman turned me around, and Edward Nygma stood in front of me.

  Edward said,"Batman tells me that you prefer face to face communication."

  I smiled at Batman and then at Edward saying,"Well, Batman would be correct. I like to have face to face conversations with people, because, to me, it's harder to trust them behind a screen."

  Edward nodded, and he said to me,"I'm willing to stop leaving riddles all over Arkham City for our dead Dark Knight here, if you'll join me for dinner tomorrow at 8 o'clock sharp?"

  I said,"And if I want to play hard to get and say "no" to this dinner?"

  Edward smiled saying,"If you say no, then I'll try another approach. I'm willing to put more thought into this."

  I chuckled saying,"I'm not going to put you through that, Nygma. I'll join you for dinner tomorrow at 8."

  I walked up to Nygma and kissed his cheek.

  I said,"Thank you for caring about what I preferred and not hurting Batman."

  Nygma smiled saying,"You're welcome."



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