Clark Kent x Reader x Steve Rogers

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Up next: Nate Heywood x Reader

Later: Jason Todd x Reader x Bucky Barnes

Hey, guys, I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe! I'm believing that this is the year that things will get bigger for me as a writer, so keep an eye out when I update my stories for info regarding my social media pages that I will link to my work and future work. I've definitely thought about making social media accounts to connect to my stuff for many years now, but I'm finally pushing myself out of my comfort zone and doing it. I will definitely let you guys know what the Instagram, Facebook, and any other accounts I will be creating will be created and available for y'all to follow and see!

Also, let me know if there are any crossovers you guys want to see in this book! As usual, thank you for your support, and I hope you guys enjoy this book until the end!

   Y/N'S POV

  How was a woman supposed to choose between Steve Rogers and Clark Kent? Out of any other combination, I had to choose between Steve Rogers and Clark Kent. Captain America and Superman. Yes, both of them trusted me with their secret identities, but also with their hearts.

  Honestly, I wanted to throw up, but because it was such a hard decision to make.

  However, my brother, Tony Stark, thought this was funny. I just hung up the phone on him and decided to grab something to eat. But guess who I ran into? Clark. Those blue eyes immediately fell on me.

  Why did I have to be so gorgeous? Gosh Y/N, just calm down and try not to be so gorgeous.

  Clark fixed his glasses, and he immediately held open the door for me.

  "Thanks, Kent. Nice glasses."

  Clark's smile grew, and he followed me to the front counter. After I ordered my food, I took a seat, and then Clark sat down across from me.

  He asked me,"Is this all right with you?"

  No, Clark, it's not okay. It's not okay that you taunt me with your good hair and amazing abilities. It's not okay that you're this good looking.

  I just said,"Of course it's okay, Clark. We're friends."

  The second I said that to Clark, I could see that I had made Clark upset. He had already told me that he was ready to be my man, if I wanted him to be, and I had just called him a friend.
  But because I didn't know how to fix my mistake with words, I just grabbed Clark and I's food and brought it back to the table. Clark thanked me, but he was still upset.

  Before the guilt could kill me, I reached across the table and took Clark's hand.

  Clark took my other hand as well and brought my hands up to his face saying,"Have you thought about what I said?"

  I immediately pulled my hands back and got up saying,"Yes, and I'm still thinking about it. I have to go. Bye, Clark!"

  I rushed out of the building and over to my house, which was a couple of blocks down. The second my bottom hit the sofa, someone was here to either annoy me or check on me. That someone was Steve Rogers.
  Would that be rude if I didn't open the door? Of course it would be rude, and I just couldn't do that to Steve. He was Steve Rogers. I had to make a decision fast, before I passed out from exhaustion.

  I opened the door, and Steve sent me a sweet smile saying,"Morning, Y/N."

  I chuckled saying,"Cap, it's the afternoon."

  Steve blushed and said,"Right. I'm sorry. I've been thinking about you since the last time I saw you."

  I held onto the door for support,"Steve..I'm flattered, really. What do you need to say to me?"

  Steve asked me,"May I hold your hand?"

  I nodded saying,"You may, Rogers."

  Steve smiled and held my hand, before he said to me,"I would never want you to be uncomfortable around me, yet I know this has been hard for you. Whether you choose me or Clark, you'll still be important to me."

  "Steve, I know I'll always be important to you. You're right. This has been hard for me trying to make a decision, but it shouldn't be this hard."

  Steve squeezed my hand, yet he let go of my hand and said,"Y/N, take your time. I just wanted to see you."

  Steve kissed my cheek, before he left. I closed the front door and slowly sat down on the couch.

  Clark or Steve? Clark or Steve? Steve or Clark?

  I had fallen hard for both of them, but I had to choose one of them. If I couldn't make the decision today, then another day. I just wanted to be honest with both of them, regardless of which one I ended up with.

   4 WEEKS LATER....

  I knocked on the door and checked my outfit. This was it. I was going to tell him that I had chosen him. What if I had came all this way, and he was already with someone? No, I couldn't think negatively about this. I couldn't.
  When he opened the door, I could tell he had grew nervous seeing me here.

  However, he said,"Yes, Y/N?"

  I just leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips saying,"I choose you, Steve. I choose you."

  Steve immediately pulled me in for a kiss, and then he held me saying,"Thank you, Y/N. Sweetheart, I'll take care of you. I promise."

  "I know, Steve. Can you give me a couple of hours?"

  Steve nodded and kissed my knuckles, before I drove to Clark's apartment.

  And when Clark opened the door, he led me inside and sat down beside me on the couch saying,"I already know, Y/N. Lois told me."

  Really, Lois? I won't be telling her anything else.

  "Clark, I don't want you to hate me, so what can I do?"

  Clark laughed, and then he said,"Y/N, I'm far from hating you. I'll always love you. Always. I'll be okay. I am okay. You didn't need to come here."

  I replied,"I did need to come here, because I was planning on telling you that I had chosen Steve. I also wanted to tell you that Superman can't disappear from my life, because he has helped me a great deal. Clark, promise me that you won't stop talking to me after today."

  "Y/N, I promise that I will talk to you as long as you are willing to listen to me."





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