Bruce Wayne x Daughter Reader

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Dedicated to reesescup1

Up next: Jason Todd x Daughter Reader

Later: Damian Wayne x Sibling Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I needed a motivational speech, but I didn't want one from my father. I didn't want him to know that I had been feeling replaced ever since his daughter from a past lover had moved in with us, but I really didn't want him to know that I no longer had the ability to heal people.
  The second thing didn't seem as bad as the first thing I mentioned, but they both affected me a great deal. Healing people was the only way I felt that I could be useful to anyone other than myself, but healing people also graced me with the opportunity to feel special. It made me feel like I was a hero. Like I was my father's daughter.

  I noticed a hand on my shoulder and tilted my head back to see Dad looking down at me.

  I sat up straight and said,"Dad, hey. I was just thinking. Oh, I'm in your chair. I'll get up. Sorry."

  Before I could even attempt to let Dad sit down in his own chair, he squeezed my left shoulder saying,"Hello, Y/N. Don't get up. I can stand."

  I smiled and nodded, then Dad walked over to the other side of his office. While his attention was elsewhere, I slowly stood to my feet and tried to get out of here while I could.

  I had almost made it to the door when Dad said,"Y/N?"

  I closed my eyes and sighed saying,"Yes?"

  He said,"Come here. We need to talk. Something's bothering you."

  I turned around and looked at Dad asking him,"How do you know that something's bothering me?"

  Dad chuckled saying,"Y/N, you're always smiling. Always. So, when something's bothering you, everyone around you notices it. You're not invisible, Y/N. Trust me."

  I walked up to him and said,"I'm not invisible. I'm just replaceable."

  Dad frowned and leaned back on his desk saying,"Y/N, what are you talking about? You're not replaceable. You're my daughter."

  I looked down saying,"Dad, just listen to me. Just listen, okay? I didn't want to tell you any of this because I didn't want to see the look on your face after I said these things, but I have to get them out. I have to tell you, because both of these things concern you. Dad, I've been feeling replaced ever since your new daughter came into your life. She knows many things. She understands many of the places you've been to. She has many things in common with you, but she also lives with us now. She's always there and she always finds a way to steal you away from me. She says awful things to me every single day, but I let them slide because I don't want to make things worse between you and me, Dad. We haven't been spending as much time together as we did before she entered your life, but I'd like to become your daughter again. It doesn't make it any better that I can no longer heal people, because that ability decided to disappear while I was trying to heal someone last week. Dad, I just want to be special again. I want our relationship back. I want my ability to heal people back. I just feel empty now. I feel like I'm no longer your daughter."

  Dad rested his hand on my face and said to me,"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you felt this way, but I'll do better. Honey, you're not replaceable. You're not. You're Y/N, and I have loved you ever since your mother first brought you into this world. You've always been special and I'm sorry you don't feel that way, but you don't need to heal people in order to be special. You don't, but I'll see what I can do about Athena. You deserve to be treated correctly every day. I mean that, Y/N, but what I really want you to know is you'll always be my daughter. Athena could never take your place. I promise. Come here."

  I hugged him, quickly breaking into a smile after everything Dad had just told me.

  Dad hugged me back and said,"We'll spend more time together. You have my word. We can start after I'm finished here today."

  I pulled away from the hug saying,"Thank you, Dad. Do you think that you'd have the time to help me figure out how to get my healing ability back?"

  Dad kissed my forehead and smiled at me saying,"I can look into it, Y/N."

  I said,"The crazy thing was, I wasn't even going to tell you everything I just told you. I wanted to hear from someone else."

  Dad squeezed my shoulder again saying,"Thank you for telling me, Y/N. You made the right choice."

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