Bruce Wayne x Reader x Tony Stark

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Up next: Barry Allen x Reader

Later: Dick Grayson x Reader x Peter Parker

Inside Info: Tony Stark is your brother, and Bruce Wayne is your lover.

IMPORTANT SIDENOTE: Hey, everyone! Continue to be on the lookout in my books for info containing my social media pages I will giving out to you guys containing new or current content from me. Also, I know how many of you look forward to my updates, so don't think that they're stopping any time soon! I love you guys for all the support, whether you have supported me for years or just recently, I'm grateful to have all of you behind me. I really am.

   Y/N'S POV

  The only thing I hated about being a Stark was the cameras constantly being in my face. I couldn't say a word without someone turning it into something that it wasn't. I only feared for what Bruce heard about me every day or what he knew about my controversial past.
  I almost dropped my phone when Tony suddenly said to me,"Y/N, what are you doing?"

  I put on my hat and said,"Just worrying. The usual. Is everything okay?"

  Tony fixed my hat in the front, and then he crossed his arms saying,"You tell me, N/N. Is this about the position again?"

  I scratched my hand saying,"No, this is about Bruce. Do you think he believes everything that he hears about me?"

  Tony replied,"Y/N, I don't know, but I don't think so. He knows you very well, and he's also used to having to deal with people all the time. I'm sure he thinks you're the best person in the world."

  I got up from my chair and said,"I'm going to go see, Bruce. You stay out of trouble, okay Anthony? If Steve or Nat calls me about you, I'm dropping everything to come and give you a piece of my mind."

  Tony just smiled at me, instead of saying anything back. I just smiled at him, before I said "goodbye" to him and took my private jet to Gotham.


  Once the jet landed, I made sure that the security stayed behind with the jet. I could take care of myself. I caught a ride to Wayne Manor, and Alfred let me know that Bruce had lost someone very important to him today. I walked down to the Batcave, and Batman turned around in his chair.

  He took off his cowl and said,"I should've been faster, Y/N. I..Your interview.."

  I walked over to him and sat down in his lap saying,"Bruce, my interview was two days ago, and it wasn't that important."

  Bruce kissed my hand saying,"It was important, Y/N. Don't say that."

  I rested my forehead against his forehead. I could see the tears in Bruce's eyes, yet I chose not to tease him about it. Now wasn't a good time to do that.

  "Okay, Bruce, my interview was very important, but I am aware of what you have so much to carry on your shoulders every day. Plus, you still can visit me at work. I'm tired of seeing Iron Man. I want Batman."

  Bruce chuckled, and I smiled saying to him,"It's okay to be sad about who you lost, Bruce, but it's not okay to put all the blame on yourself. I'm sure you've done it many times before, but you can only take so much. You grieve, do whatever you have to do, and then you do your best to move forward. Batman's still needed."

  Bruce closed his eyes as he said to me,"Y/N needs Batman, or Gotham needs Batman?"

  I placed five kisses on Bruce's forehead before I said,"Both, Bruce. Both."

  Bruce noticed that my shirt was a little wet, and I blushed in embarrassment as I said to him,"I kind of wasted my bottle of water on my shirt, because I thought someone was behind me."

  Bruce was trying not to laugh, so I sent him a pout.

  Bruce cupped my face and asked me,"Does Stark know that you're here?"

  I nodded saying,"Yes, Bruce, I told him. Why?"

  Bruce replied,"He's your brother, Y/N, and he calls me every week about you."

  I raised an eyebrow and said,"What does he say about me?"

  Bruce held me as he said,"I can't tell you. It stays between me and Stark, but I'm glad you're here with me right now."


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