Dick Grayson x Reader

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Dedicated to vampirenight19

Up next: Bat-Family x Mother Reader

Later: Superman x Reader x Batman Part 2

   Y/N'S POV

  I wanted to be selfish right now. I wanted Dick to give me his undivided attention, but his conversation with Jason, Tim, Damian, and Barbara was so interesting... His conversation could have been put on pause minutes ago, actually.
  Damian noticed my frustration, but he only laughed at me. I just shook my head. Damian didn't understand. He just wanted to be mean right now. However, I had an idea, which caused me to smile immediately.
  I looked over at Dick before I sat down in his lap. Dick looked at me for five seconds, then he looked away from me. I frowned and watched as Dick went back to talking to Jason, Tim, Damian, and Barb.
  I think because Damian didn't want to see me possibly irritating his brother, he just left. But since it didn't take long for me to get annoyed with having yet to receive enough attention from Dick, I started playing with Dick's hair.

  Dick laughed at the fact that I was playing with his hair, then he finally looked at me. I smiled at him, although I could not miss Jason, Tim, and Barb laughing at me in the background.

  Dick wrapped his arms around me and said to me,"You have my attention, Y/N. You have my attention."

  I gave Dick a kiss before I asked him,"Do you want to take a bath together and then watch a movie after in your room?"

  Dick gave me a kiss and nodded saying,"Y/N, I'm right behind you."

  My smile grew as I quickly pulled Dick to his room upstairs. I tried to decide what movie Dick and I were going to watch together while he fixed the bathwater for the two of us. However, when Dick walked out of the bathroom, I still hadn't chosen a movie for us to watch together. 

  Dick laughed at my facial expression, yet he motioned over to the bathroom saying,"Come on. We can figure that out once we're done."

  Dick held out his hand for me to take, but I grew really nervous all of a sudden.

  Dick asked me,"Y/N, why are you nervous?"

  I admitted to Dick,"I think I've gained a little weight since the last time you saw me and I'm a little embarrassed about it. My stomach might be a little bigger than before, Grayson."

  Dick walked up to me and smiled at me saying,"I don't care, Y/N. I don't. Either way, you'll still be beautiful."

  I asked him,"Are you sure, Grayson?"

  Dick nodded and intertwined his fingers with my fingers. He led me into the bathroom. After Dick got undressed and stepped into the tub, he patiently waited for me to get in with him.
  So, once I felt comfortable enough to get in with him, I got in with him. I sat down in front of Dick and leaned back against him. Dick wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

  Dick said,"I'm proud of you for getting in. Y/N, just know that I'll never leave you because you've possibly gained a few pounds. You also don't have to worry about not having my attention. You'll always have it."

  I closed my eyes saying,"Thank you, Grayson."

  Once Dick and I finished taking a bath together, we both got dressed into what we would be wearing to bed that night. I put on a Nightwing tank top with black pajama shorts.
  Instead of letting me walk over to the bed, Dick just picked me up and carried me over to his bed. I snuggled into him as he wrapped his arms around me. I didn't feel comfortable enough, for some reason, so I moved closer to Dick and rested my head on his chest.

  Then, Dick asked me,"So, what are we going to watch, Mrs. Grayson?"

  I said,"I don't know. Why do we still sleep in your bed instead of just getting our own place with our own bed to sleep in every night?"

  Dick said,"Maybe because we like Wayne Manor? We've never really talked about that, though, Y/N."

  I looked up at Dick and looked him in the eyes saying,"We should talk about it, Grayson."

  Dick chuckled saying,"We'll talk about it, Mrs. Grayson. We'll talk about it."

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