Damian Wayne x Reader

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Dedicated to DreamyKawaii

Up next: Kaldur'ahm x Male Reader

Later: Bat-Family x Mother Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I woke up to my phone ringing obnoxiously through my ears. I hit my pillow repeatedly and looked at the time. I rolled my eyes before I answered the phone call and put it on speakerphone.

  Damian said,"Y/N?"

  I groaned saying,"What, Wayne?"

  Damian laughed and said,"Y/N, it's just five o'clock in the morning. You'll be all right."

  I said,"Just five o'clock in the morning? Damian, I almost hung up on you. Don't say things like that to me."

  Damian said,"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'll call you later."

  I immediately said,"No! I'll suck it up. What's up, Damian? Something on your mind?"

  Damian answered,"I want to talk about how I feel. Are you available?"

  I smiled saying,"Not every day that you tell me that, Damian, but I'm available. Where are you? Wayne Enterprises?"

  Damian said,"Thank you, Y/N. Yes, I'm at Wayne Enterprises. The doors are unlocked."

  I said,"You're welcome. I'll be there in ten."

  Damian hung up and I got ready in five minutes. I drove to Wayne Enterprises and met Damian at the front entrance.

  Damian smiled at me saying,"It's good to see you. It's been a long time."

  I nodded saying,"It's good to see you. It has been a long time. It's been three whole days."

  Damian chuckled and led me inside. As I walked beside Damian, I noticed something white on his shoulder and brushed it off.

  Damian said,"Thank you."

  I asked him,"Anything on Bruce yet?"

  Damian sadly said,"No. Father's still missing, but that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

  I said,"I figured. You're not taking his absence too well, are you? There's nothing wrong with that, Damian. He's your father. He's always been around, even if he wasn't right next to you. He's still alive. I know it."

  Damian put his hands in his pockets and closed his eyes saying,"I can't go into his office, Y/N. Can we just talk here?"

  I nodded and said,"Of course. Wherever you want to talk is fine with me. Let's sit in those seats over there."

  Damian and I walked over to the two seats, yet Damian pulled me into his lap.

  He said,"I'm sorry, Y/N."

  I shook my head and said,"Don't be sorry. We are together, Damian. You tend to forget that very easily, for some reason. There isn't some woman from the League that I don't know about, is there?"

  Damian rested his head on my back saying,"There's only you, Y/N. You have my word. I miss my father and I just feel responsible for him not being here."

  I held his hands and said,"Damian, Sweetie, how are you responsible for Bruce not being here? The issues you two have had in the past have nothing to do with Bruce being taken from this city and from his family. That we do know. This was someone else that knew what they were doing, but it isn't your fault. You didn't cause anything. Your father loves you, Damian. He never stopped loving you. If he were here, he'd tell you in only a way that he could tell you. I know it."

  Damian said,"Don't move, Y/N."

  I said,"I won't move. I promise."

  Damian asked me,"Do you think Father would be satisfied with the work I've done here?"

  I kissed both of his hands and said,"Yes, Bruce would be satisfied with the work you've done here. I'm always here to help you, though, Damian. I may seem useless, but I'm not actually useless. It's just a really good front."

  I turned around in his lap and cupped his face,"Really, Damian, don't forget that I'm on your side. I may not like being woken up at five o'clock in the morning, but it doesn't change the fact that I love you. It doesn't. What can I help you with right now?"

  Damian nodded before he said,"I love you, too, Y/N. I could use your help, but I did wake you up at five in the morning."

  I chuckled saying,"Lead the way, Damian. I'll do my best not to fall asleep on you."

  Once Damian and I stepped onto the elevator, I asked him,"Are we going to have to go into Bruce's office to get what you need?"

  Damian nodded and asked me,"Can you go in there with me?"

  I nodded saying,"Of course, Damian. I wouldn't let you walk in there alone. I'm on your side, remember?"

  Damian kissed my hand and led me to the door blocking him from his father's office. Damian hesitated and tears formed in his blue eyes.

  I rubbed his arm and said,"No. Damian, you can do this. Damian, look at me. You can do this. You've spent weeks working from inside your father's office already. I have faith in you. You're more than capable of being in there and getting what needs to be done done. Come on, we'll go into Bruce's office together."

  I wiped the few tears that fell down Damian's face and continued to rub his arm.

  Damian nodded saying,"I'm ready."

  I squeezed Damian's hand and led him inside Bruce's office.

  Damian sat down in his father's chair and I smiled saying,"Dami, you look cute."

  Damian smiled at me saying,"Thank you, Y/N. Let's get to work."

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