Jon Kent x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to Raven_tiger13

Up next: Clark Kent x Reader

Later: Conner Kent x Reader


  Everyone on Themyscira expected me to be the next Diana, but I didn't want to be my mother. I wanted to just be Megan and develop as a fighter as I grew stronger and stronger every single day. However, I felt like I had to be like my mother whenever she was around. She was Wonder Woman...
  I needed to leave Themyscira, but I knew that I'd never get even an inch away from my ticket out of here. If I could leave Themyscira, I'd go and see my boyfriend, Jon Kent, and his family.

  Mother walked into the room, and I said,"Are you disappointed in me, Mother?"

  Mother sat down beside me and held my hand saying,"No, Megan, I've never been disappointed in you. You've delivered, when necessary, and I'm honored to have you as my daughter. Megan, I may throw new things at you every day, but it is because I know that you are strong enough to handle it. I do not expect you to do everything that I can do. That will take time, and you have much time to learn and to grow, Megan. I'll be here to help you, if you will continue to accept my help."

  I said to Mother,"So, you're not disappointed that I'm not as strong as you were when you were my age?"

  Mother chuckled saying,"No, Megan. You are very different from me, and that is okay. I will always love and accept you as the strong and courageous woman that you are and will continue to be."

  I hugged Mother, and Mother hugged me back.

  She kissed my forehead before she said,"I expect you to be yourself, Megan, and that is all. I will learn how to continue to be both your mother and teacher as we get used to training with one another, understand?"

  I nodded saying,"I understand, Mother. Thank you for listening to me."

  She nodded and pulled away from the hug saying,"It's time that you see Jon. I'm coming with you to see him. I need to speak with Clark and Lois."


  When Mother and I made it to Mr. and Mrs. Kent's home, Mother knocked on the door and Mr. Kent opened the door for both of us to come inside his home.

  Mother said to Mr. Kent,"It's good to see you, Clark. How are you?"

  Mr. Kent smiled at Mother and I,"I'm doing well, Diana. It's good to see you and Megan."

  When Jon walked down the steps, Mother left out of the room with Mr. Kent, Mrs. Kent, and Krypto. Jon looked up from his phone and then dropped his phone. I knew it was because Jon hadn't seen me in a long time, and I hadn't seen him in a long time.

  Jon was much older than the last time we had seen one another.

  I said,"Hi, Jon."

  Tears formed in his eyes, and he rushed over to me, pulling me in for a hug.

  He said,"Baby, I've missed you. You look beautiful."

  I hugged Jon even tighter,"I've missed you, Jon Kent, and you get older every time that I see you."

  Jon pulled away from the hug, and I laughed saying,"Sorry. I ruined the moment, didn't I?"

  Jon nodded, before he took my hand saying,"I have something I want to show you."

  I nodded, and Jon led me up to his room. He motioned towards the window, and I saw a suit that resembled Superman's suit.

  Jon asked me,"Do you like it, Megan?"

  I walked up to the suit and noticed the smaller details I couldn't see from where I was previously standing.

  I said,"I like it, Jon. You're taking down the bad guys with your father?"

  Jon nodded saying,"I am. We work well together, and he's teaching me everything that he knows."

  I asked Jon,"Do you still talk to Damian?"

  Jon nodded saying,"I do, but he's had a lot to deal with lately."

  I took a seat beside Jon and said,"I should definitely come by to see you more often. I'm sorry that I don't come around that often."

  Jon wrapped an arm around me and gave me a kiss.

  He rubbed my arm as he said to me,"Megan, don't apologize. It's okay, and you come around enough. I understand that it takes a lot for you to come here, but it's always worth it."

  "I love you, Jon."

  "I love you, too, Megan. Just so you know, I haven't been with anyone else since the last time we saw one another."

  "That's reassuring to hear, Jon, very reassuring."

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