Bat-Family x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to sakisilk

Up next: The Question x Reader

Later: Rose Wilson x Reader


  I was lucky. I was very lucky. Bruce Wayne had taken me in when I was ten years old, after my parents had been killed in an arson fire. But from the stories Bruce told me growing up, he was very close to both of my parents.
  Bruce had known my parents through their company they created and built together. Apparently, my parents' company and Wayne Enterprises partnered on many monumental projects over the years.

  Whenever I wanted to hear more about my parents, Bruce and Alfred told me everything they could. I was grateful for both of them, not just because they told me about my parents. I was grateful for both of them, because they had raised me to be who I am now.
  I came from a wealthy family, as you would expect from someone who's parents had a very successful company. Yet I did all that I could to only use the money my parents left me when I needed to. That wasn't often, but anything could happen.
  Speaking of anything happening, my dear best friend, Wally West, was no longer with us. Honestly, I was still trying to process Wally not being here. I met Wally through Dick, and it didn't take long for me to become best friends with Wally West. It didn't take long for Dick, Wally, and I to become our own little group.
  Now, one member of our group was gone. Maybe he wasn't really gone, and this was some terrible prank. It wasn't too early in the day for pranks. Yeah, this was some bad prank that the skilled Young Justice men were playing. But on everyone, even Artemis? That just seemed farfetched. Maybe Wally was really...

  I swallowed, and Dick sat down beside me. He immediately hugged me, and I hugged him back.

  He sniffed and asked me,"How are you?"

  I said,"Still in disbelief. Still trying to put my head around this, around Wally. How are you, Grayson?"

  Dick continued to hug me as he said to me,"The same as you, Violet. Thanks for asking. Al's done with dinner. You coming?"

  I nodded and said,"Of course. I can't not eat."

  Dick laughed weakly, before he let me walk out first. Then, Dick followed me to the table.

  I sat down beside Tim, and he said,"Violet, I found this upstairs."

  I looked at what was in Tim's hand, and I smiled saying,"Thanks, Tim. I've been looking everywhere for this. How did you know this was mine?"

  Tim chuckled saying,"Jason doesn't use this on his hair."

  Jason said,"Use what, Drake?"

  I said to Jason,"Nothing, Jason. What are you smiling about?"

  Jason crossed his arms saying,"It's good to see you out of your room, Violet."

  I nodded to Jason saying,"It's good to see you, too, Todd. You know that you cause chaos every once and a while, so it's nice to see you not being bad."

  Jason chuckled, and Damian said to me,"Sorry about West, Violet. I know that you cared for him greatly."

  I got up and hugged Damian saying,"Thanks, little bro."

  Damian nodded, and I returned to my seat.

  Bruce walked into the room, and he immediately looked at Dick and I.

  Bruce said,"Dick. Violet. The boys, Alfred, and I have something for the two of you. Alfred?"

  Alfred walked into the room and placed two plates in front of Dick and I.

  Dick looked over at me and said,"Ladies first."

  I said,"Please go ahead, Grayson."

  Jason laughed, and Dick rolled his eyes.

  He removed the top over the plate, before his eyes widened. Alfred had made Dick's favorite meal that he hadn't made in months. I could tell this cheered Dick up. He hadn't smiled this way in a while even before Wally...

  Bruce walked up behind my chair and rested his hands on my shoulders saying,"Go ahead, Violet."

  I put one of my hands over Bruce's hand, and I removed the top over my plate to see what Alfred had made for me. However, there wasn't food on my plate. There was a flash drive.

  I picked it up, and Bruce said,"It belonged to your mother. She asked me to give it to you when you were going through a rough time. She made it clear that only you could see what was on it."

  I nodded and put the flash drive in a safe spot.

  I returned to the table, and Damian said,"There's more, Violet. More for you, too, Grayson."

  I asked Damian,"What?"

  Bruce chuckled and kissed my forehead, before he said,"Patience, Violet. The boys, Alfred, and I have put aside what we could to be here for you and Dick today. This day is for the two of you. Don't worry, Violet, you will see what more means as the day goes on."


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