Conner Kent x Reader

790 22 1

Dedicated to reesescup1

Up next: Jonathan Crane x Reader

Later: Superman x Reader x Batman

   Y/N'S POV

  What was wrong with me? Why did I suddenly become so shy around everyone besides my own family members? I could talk to people. I could, but maybe I was just...afraid I would suddenly become that person to avoid to those who talked to me.
  I grabbed my sketchbook and a few pencils, before I walked out of my room. I had almost made it to the exit, but someone called my name. I slowly turned around and looked at Nightwing. He sent me a smile, but then he motioned for me to come over.

  I walked up to him and said,"Hi, Nightwing."

  He said,"Hey, Y/N. Where are you going?"

  I shyly said,"Just to...get some fresh air and draw for a little bit."

  He nodded and said,"I won't hold you, then. Be careful. Call someone if you need someone, okay?"

  I nodded saying,"Okay."

  I made my way down to the quietest area around and looked around for something to draw. I spotted a crab not too far away from me and began to do the best I could to draw it exactly as I saw it.
  I realized I was still standing up, so I quickly sat down and continued my drawing. However, a black shoe appeared beside me and I looked up to see Conner standing there.

  He motioned beside me and asked me,"Can I sit with you?"

  I smiled at him saying,"Yes."

  Conner sat down beside me and pulled me into his arms. I dropped the pencil onto the ground and moved even closer to him.

  Conner said,"Dick said you were out here alone, so I wanted to come join you. I won't get in your way."

  I said,"You're not in my way, Conner."

  Conner looked down at me, causing me to look away from him and suddenly focus on my drawing.

  Conner kissed my cheek and held me tighter saying,"Y/N, is there something you want to tell me?"

  I hesitated, but I asked him,"Do you think I'm too shy? Do you think that I'm someone you'd always want to be with?"

  Conner pulled me even closer to him and looked down at my drawing,"You're not too shy, Y/N. I promise. It's okay that you don't talk as much as other people. We're all different. I'll always want to be with you. I love you. This team loves you. What made you ask me those questions?"

  I admitted to him,"I've been feeling like something's wrong with me, because I tend to be very shy around people that aren't family. I'm also afraid that when I do say things, people will eventually just start ignoring me because my conversations won't be too memorable."

  Conner picked up my sketchbook and looked me in the eyes as he said to me,"Y/N, everything about you is memorable. The way you stood up to me when we first met, the way you sacrificed your own freedom in order to let your sister have it herself, or even the way you act every day towards other people. No one could ever forget about you. You're just more comfortable around your family, Y/N. Don't put yourself down. You'll get more comfortable with talking to other people. I know you will. You talk more to me."

  I pulled Conner in for a kiss. Conner kissed back and eventually pulled away.

  He rested his forehead against mine saying,"You'll be all right. I'll help you, if you want my help, okay?"

  I said,"Okay. Thank you, Conner."

  Someone tapped my shoulder very lightly, which caused me to turn around.

  Artemis said,"Hi. We noticed you were out here alone. Well, Conner's here now, but do you mind if we all joined the two of you?"

  I looked over at Conner.

  He whispered in my ear,"This could help you."

  I was scared of possibly having to talk to everyone individually for a long period of time, but I said to Artemis,"I don't mind. You all can join Conner and I."

  Artemis smiled and motioned for the team to all come sit down around Conner and I. I watched as everyone sat down, already in conversations of their own. Conner intertwined his fingers with mine, before I did my best to hold decent conversations with everyone.


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