Livewire x Reader

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Dedicated to Breadman87

Up next: Conner Kent x Reader

Later: Conner Kent x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  God, I hated Metropolis. I hated it so much. These people were too obsessed with Superman. You couldn't walk two blocks without someone asking you about Superman or telling you some story that revolved around him. It was terrible.
  Once I finally made it upstairs to my apartment door, I couldn't find my key to open my apartment door. This was the third time this week. I really needed to stop losing everything that I couldn't afford to lose. I never lost things that I didn't need. It was weird.

  I shoved my hands into my pockets and tried to feel around for my key. It wasn't like my key was just going to appear inside of one of my pockets, but it made me feel better. It did.

  Someone cleared their throat and said,"Y/N, is this your key?"

  I hugged Clark saying,"Thanks, Clark. This is my key. Thank you so much."

  When I realized I was still hugging Clark, I immediately moved away from him and said,"Sorry, Clark. I'm sorry. You're just always helping me with something. It's like you're my hero, you know?"

  Clark chuckled and smiled warmly at me saying,"It's all right, Y/N. I'm honored, but I'm not a hero. Superman's a hero."

  I made a face at Clark and shook my head saying,"No, you're definitely a hero, Clark. I'd say you do a better job of being one than Superman himself. Superman just has most of Metropolis brainwashed, that's all."

  Clark didn't respond, but I just said to him as I opened my apartment door,"Well, I'll see you around. Thanks again, Clark. Have you seen Leslie, by any chance?"

  Clark asked me,"The vlogger?"

  I nodded and said,"Yeah, that one. You met her when you helped me move the rest of my stuff in two weeks ago?"

  Clark shook his head saying,"I'm sorry, Y/N. I haven't seen her since then. I'll let you know if I see her."

  I smiled at Clark and nodded before I walked into my apartment and closed the door. I locked it, but I froze when I noticed someone standing inside of my kitchen.

  I reached for the closest item that I could use as a weapon, yet I heard,"Y/N, WAIT! IT'S ME, LESLIE!"

  Immediately, I dropped my hand and slowly walked towards the kitchen. Leslie looked different. She looked really different, but I wondered why she had her back to me all of a sudden.

  I said,"Sorry about that, Leslie. Why are you facing that way now? How did you even turn around so quickly?"

  Leslie said,"Y/N, I can't turn around. I can't. I don't want you to see me. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I won't be staying here anymore."

  I frowned and continued to walk towards Leslie as I said to her,"Leslie, you can turn around. I think that you look beautiful still. Blue looks good on you. It does. You don't have to go, though, Leslie. I need you here."

  When I was close enough to Leslie, I tried to hug her from behind. However, Leslie turned around and took several steps back from me.

  She held up her hands and said,"No! Y/N, don't! I might hurt you. You just need to let me get my things and then I'll be on my way!"

  I refused to move out of Leslie's way, even knowing that she could possibly hurt me if she touched me. I didn't care. I couldn't let her leave. Someone had to look out for her. Someone had to.

  Leslie groaned and said,"Y/N, now's not the time. Please move. I'm doing this for you. I mean, look at me. People are going to give you a hard time if they see us together. They may even try to kill you. You have to deal with enough every day, Y/N."

  I laughed and looked Leslie in the eyes saying,"Do you really believe that losing you won't be another thing to add to the list? Leslie, you don't look like your usual self. I get it, I do, but that isn't any reason for me to let you leave. You can stay and we can figure out what to do after. Running away isn't the answer. Where would you even go, Leslie? Please just sit and we can figure this out."

  Leslie groaned another time, then she put her hands down and sighed saying,"You should have just let me leave, Y/N."

  I smiled at her saying,"Why would I do something like that? I really like your dress. It's you."

  Leslie smiled back at me and said,"Thanks, Y/N. I guess you want to know how I got like this, huh?"

  I nodded saying,"Yes, I would like to know how you got like this."

  Leslie laughed saying,"Well, that's too bad. I don't feel like sharing anything with you right now. It's been a long day."

  I said,"Eventually, you'll tell me. I've also had a long day. Oh, I lost my key again. Clark found it, though."

  Leslie rolled her eyes saying,"Again? Y/N, stop losing things. What would you have done if Clark wouldn't have been around to find it for you?"

  I looked over at the door saying,"I don't know. I would have waited for you to get here, I guess. You used the duplicate key to get in, right?"

  Leslie said,"Yeah, I did. You still need to keep up with that key, though, Y/N."

  I said,"I guess. Since I don't want to assume that you just walked here without causing any trouble, are we going to have to move?"

  Leslie looked outside as she said to me,"I don't know, Y/N. Superman might show up looking for me soon. We might have to."

  Leslie moved to hug me, but she stopped herself and said to me,"Maybe Superman will forget about me, Y/N. We just have to look out for each other. Maybe Clark can help us out, too?"

  I chuckled but said to Leslie,"I don't think we should involve Clark in this. We'll just have to look out for each other, Leslie."

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