The Joker x Reader

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Up next: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Later: Conner Kent x Requested Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As Batman laid on the bed unconscious, I felt my curiosity getting the better of me. I moved towards Batman, eager to see who he was under the dark cowl. For years, I had been doing my own research to find out who the dear Dark Knight was, but I could finally find that out right now.
  I looked back to make sure J wasn't coming, then I hesitated on lifting Batman's cowl. Y/N, why are you hesitating? Why now? Hurry up, Y/N. J could be back any minute now. You know you didn't want him to catch you doing this without him.

  I lifted Batman's cowl, surprised that I was able to without getting shocked or something. When I saw who he really was under the cowl, I slowly pulled the top of his cowl back down. Out of all the people it could have been, it was Bruce Thomas Wayne.
  This...complicated things. Complicated seemed to be the norm for me the last few years, so I wasn't surprised. I was just torn in two. Bruce Wayne was Batman. It was my job to get rid of those that gave J a hard time, but this one...I didn't know if I could do it.

  Long story short, Bruce had saved both my life and my brother's life two years ago. I could never forget it. Bruce saved me as Bruce Wayne when he was able to talk two of Sionis' men out of killing both me and my brother. Now, it made sense how he did it so effortlessly. So naturally.
  Anyway, I owed him and I had to think of something fast. Speaking of fast, Bud and Lou ran into the room and immediately spotted Batman. If Bud and Lou were here, that meant that-

  I winced in pain when I heard Harley's high-pitched voice. Bud and Lou moved towards Batman and I immediately grabbed the huge piece of meat on the table. I threw it out in the hallway and Bud and Lou ran towards it.
  Harley walked into the room and noticed Batman. I quickly blocked her view of him. Harley pouted, yet she looked at him over my shoulder and moved towards him. I stepped in front of Harley and Harley was growing impatient with me. That was fine. I could take her, if I needed to.

  Harley said,"Y/N, now's not the time for ya to be playin' around. Mr. J wants me to bring Batman to him."

  I asked Harley,"Can you even carry him? Why you and not me?"

  Harley squeezed her sleeve saying,"Yes, I can carry Bats! I've got it! Mr. J asked for me 'cause I've known him longer."

  I rolled my eyes and noticed Batman moving. Harley paid no attention to it, but she just walked out of the room.

  I immediately whispered to Batman,"Bruce, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I have to bring you to The Joker. I'm gonna give you something that will give you the opening you need to get out of here. This may just cost me my life, but I owe you. By the way, thank you for what you did and your secret's safe with me."

  I put the small bottle of toxin in Batman's utility belt, before Harley returned to get him. She struggled, but she eventually got Batman to The Joker.

  The Joker smiled and stood to his feet saying,"Batman, hello! You- Harley!!!"

  Harley winced, but she said,"Yes, Puddin?"

  The Joker rolled his eyes, then he asked her,"Why is Batman unconscious?"

  Harley tried to come up with something to say, but The Joker looked at me and said,"My Dear, would you get Batman up?"

  I nodded saying,"Of course, J."

  Harley rolled her eyes, yet I got Batman up. I could tell he was in pain, but he played it off very well. Batman looked over at me, but he kept his mouth shut.

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